This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

What’s happening to all the ktm forums?



2019-01-28 18:39:00 UTC

Anybody know why the smt forum has disappeared and now the ktm forum .com isn’t working either.
This super duke forum is almost non existent now as well poss 1 post per week?
I’ve used these forums for years to good effect and learnt and shared loads. Beats me why everyone seems to have stopped using.
Can anybody throw any light on this.



2019-01-28 23:15:00 UTC

advrider for me



2019-01-29 02:30:00 UTC

Facespace has kicked the forums’ ass. People don’t have time to wait a day or two for an answer. A question MUST be answered NOW!

Here we are also quite sarcastic and thin skinned members (millennials for the most part) get easily offended and don’t come back.

And is/was mostly for the original 990. That is now and older model and most if not all maladies have been addressed. In this forum and other parts of the inter webs.

New bikes require less hands on deck and more hands on keyboard. Unless the hands are being used to place rim tape and/or other decals.

Having said that, I personally don’t regret having purchased my 1290 and not having to work on the bike. Unless I want to.



2019-02-18 23:03:00 UTC

Post missing.



2019-02-20 15:03:00 UTC

SMT forum is back up, in case you haven't seen



2019-02-23 20:15:00 UTC

I feel a bit bad. Because I don’t come on here anywhere like as often as I used to. For me it’s mainly because,as mentioned by others, there’s far fewer interesting posts by owners doing mods or having problems they want to share and needing feedback. It’s also the problems with posting pictures after the photobucket fuck- up. The biggest change was the introduction of the 1290 because it seemed there was a different kind of owner and the bikes are not as modified as much yet. Or they don’t have problems that need sorting out through a forum. But I still love my 990 and do a load of miles and ride all year round on it. I guess I also ride a lot on my Kawasaki H2 and spend more time on Triples forums now because they are still very active. I also have just bought a ‘99 Suzuki TLR1000 which is my new pet project so immersed in that new experience so have less time to be involved with this forum.

But I will always be a fan and keep on posting!



2019-04-03 09:59:00 UTC

Forums in general are all slower then they used to be. The SD Facebook page I'm on is constantly active with members from all over. But they rarely have tech questions and when they do it's always linked to a post here on how to fix it lol.