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What's the deal with Australia?



2011-01-24 10:25:00 UTC

What the hell is going on in Australia?
Is it turning into a bitch slaping contest?
We have a female Primeminister the Premier of QLD is a Female the Premier of NSW is Female and the Governor General is female and now Gillard has put a female as Premier of Tasmanania?
Im not against females being in charge of stuff but this is getting ridiculous!
I hope a war doesnt start as the bitches will be sending us out to fight with knitting needles.
If it keeps gong like this we will end up being called (Australia land of bitches) I dont know what anyone else thinks but this does not look good for us.



2011-01-24 10:46:00 UTC

Yeah, the place is full of female over acheivers, Just this weekend at the confusion rally at Licola our girls took out the womens division tug of war, the horizontal bungee run, oldest combined bike and rider, and first three places in the titty contest.



2011-01-24 10:56:00 UTC

yeah... they are completely useless too (talking about gillard and bligh, dont know about the other two)

i dont understand why anyone voted for them or their parties... the media hates the liberals so they villainise all of them.

i dont know.. i just think that a guy fooks it all up kinda thing is required to get the barstards honest



2011-01-24 11:32:00 UTC

I don't have anything agains female leaders and I'm sure some do a good job. It is just the lot we have here. I've seen it in NZ and both of them made a mess out of the country. So do the male ones BTW....
This lot we have here in Oz now is even worse. The problem is that they are so disconnected from reality and never held a proper job.

When they are in charge kiss your nuts goodbye as all needs to be PC correct and fun is illegal.



2011-01-24 12:14:00 UTC

it seems to be going that way with everything fun is either taxed heavily or made illegal and they waste all of the money on stupid stuff



2011-01-24 14:09:00 UTC

it scares me,



2011-01-24 15:32:00 UTC

Welcome to 2011 boys. US males have out-lived our usefulness. We are no longer needed to drive wagon trains, heard cattle or tame a new world. Now the fairer sex is in control. And it's gonna suck. Safe, Sane,and Controlled is the future for us. Aaaauurgg! Hell, they even stopped the Space Program in America, so there's nothing the explore-tame-overcome anymore!

You wonder why some guys turn into nutter jobs and dress up in women's clothes? They're jealous!

"Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."



2011-01-24 18:22:00 UTC

I think the term you looking for is pussify.



2011-01-24 20:32:00 UTC

Come to Russia .. Its still very much a mans world here I got this when i commented to my driver how few women i see driving cars .....
"We dont let women drive here unless we are so drunk we cant find the car as all the women here know to give them a car is like to give a monkey a handgrenade. They accept this they know they should not be in control of anything they are too ummmm how you say... crazy minded with feelings ."



2011-01-24 21:55:00 UTC

Hahaha ther is some funny shit posted up here, all i agree with, problem is all politicians are Pole smokers anyway, its not like Australia isnt the bigest nanny country in the world already, it can only get worse, what needs to happen is some younger (mid 30s) guys with some balls to run the show and take control of all the shit happing here, Why the fook does Gillard talk so dam slow? does she have a speach impedimite if she talks at normal speed?

I just keep doing what i normaly do and hope i dont get caught...



2011-01-24 21:56:00 UTC

i thought Australia was already called the land of bitchs..............



2011-01-24 21:58:00 UTC

and while were at it i can fix the road toll in 1 year. But i need to be in politics to do it. Easy, every one does a harzard safety defensive driving course, if you fail you have your licence removed or if your going for it you dont get it, simple. But its easier to push the speeding shit because of the riducilouse amout of money cameras make.

fook Australia drives me wild sometime, but its just under the wrong control, such a beautifull country run by idiots.



2011-01-24 22:55:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-01-24 23:02:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-01-25 17:30:00 UTC

Receptionist to Melvin Udall (Jack Nicholson): How do you write women (characters) so well?

Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.



2011-01-25 22:52:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-01-25 23:16:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-01-27 10:07:00 UTC

it's all the weight of her ear lobes that slows her jaw down, have you seen the size of those things??



2011-01-27 10:37:00 UTC

It`s cos she`s welsh [and a ginga]



2011-01-27 12:13:00 UTC

I just dont get how she got in. I think it was a scam just like G.Bushjr



2011-01-28 04:22:00 UTC

Post missing.