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What's your take on this??



2013-02-28 06:12:00 UTC

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2013-02-28 06:39:00 UTC

I've been casually following this train of thought for about 25 years and sadly all the warnings that were given by "conspiracy theorists" then, have been turning to reality in my life time.

It's not about money, it's about control, and the polititians are selling us all down the shute.

P.S. How did Al Gore go from being a complete joke to an environmental god ?



2013-02-28 07:39:00 UTC

The thing is its just not limited to Australia.
I read some stuff about prison camps being built through out the the USA and from the reports I have read its not for prisoners.
Is this BS or real?



2013-02-28 08:16:00 UTC

read through agenda21 and it is definitely not cool. People will not have the right to own land etc... basically a 1984 in the making and the un supports it. But what can you do other than a civil war against a global force? And it will take an aweful lot to get people to that point



2013-02-28 10:30:00 UTC

Did you notice that we've just had another "bring in your guns" amnesty in Australia, it's allright, just bring in your guns, no questions asked.

I'm not really pro gun but,the arab spring is only happening because the people have had a gutfull and have access to weapons.

If citizenry is armed, it is a lot harder for an oppressive force to subdue them, hence the worldwide dissarmament of civilians under the guise of safety.

The police knew Martin Bryant was a fruitloop with assault rifles well before he cut loose at Port Aurthur.
For those of you from other countries, a massacre at Port Aurthur was the catalyst for Australia's dissarmament.



2013-02-28 13:12:00 UTC

So Crocodile Dundee was really government propaganda showing you don't need a gun to defend yourself?

How is crime and murder in Australia since the gun ban? It's hard to get accurate information since everyone tries to skew the numbers a different way.



2013-02-28 15:29:00 UTC

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2013-02-28 15:45:00 UTC

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2013-02-28 17:24:00 UTC

Has anyone here seen them Zietgiest movies? Not saying I totally believe every word they have to say about the gov., banks, religion. Well actually i do believe the part about the banks, and ive never been fond of any religion. But its interesting that so many people from so many different places are having these same "here comes new world order gov." type of ideas. Sept 11 conspiracy vids have been around quite some time. Ive even heard stories of people suggesting the Sandy Hook school shooting was a ploy by the Obama administration to bring up some new gun reform laws here. Also...Chris Donner was an exact copy of L.L. Cool J. That must fit in here some how.



2013-02-28 21:26:00 UTC

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2013-02-28 23:12:00 UTC

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2013-03-01 10:37:00 UTC

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