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When do you use your SD?



2011-11-08 21:57:00 UTC

OK, so been sitting outside having a fag and thinking about my frustrations about my current SD ownership.

In the past, for like over over twenty five years my bikes have been my major mode of transport. I've used them every day more or less all year round, rain or shine, for commuting, weekend getting about, Sunday runs, touring, adventure and just generally hooning about on. Then as I've had kids I've also had a car for convenience and shopping and getting the family about but they've always been for practical uses - never a love affair. Had a few GTIs and fast cars but they were boring really.

Now, for the last 5 years I've had the SD and it's the best bike I ever had. Bar none. I've spent loads of time modifying it and riding it as much as I can and taking it on track days and Sunday ride outs and doing as much riding as I can. But as some of you know, new twin babies and a two year old and running a business have really had an impact on how much I can get out on it. But this isn't my frustration. This is.......

In the old days I would take every opportunity to ride. Going down the shops, picking up a newspaper, visit my mum, whatever. But also getting to work, going on business trips, visiting friends in distant cities for the night, going over the other side of London for a party, knowing I can't have a drink but worth it for the ride home without a cab fare. And I've stopped doing this because of the constant fear of having the bike nicked. This is a bad time we live in for bike theft, London is especially bad I think, and the recent theft of my mountain bike makes me even more paranoid about losing my pride and joy. I can fill a back pack with two Almax chains and carry a disc lock and alarm the bugger but still I come out of every trip away with a feeling of dread that the bike won't be there when I get to where I parked it. Bike thieves are too determined when they want it and have too many ways to overcome any deterrent you put in place.

So my habits have slowly changed over the years. I really only go out on the bike when I know that I will always be there with it. Track days are fine, obviously. Sunday runs are good because I'm always there - stop at the roadside - you with your bike. Stop at a cafe with mates - you sit and watch the bikes. Visit a bike shop - there's safety in numbers and parking outside a shop is OK. Visit a friend - make sure they have a garage or safe off road parking. Etc. Etc. But it has definitely changed the way I see biking and what I'm comfortable doing.

Was just thinking that I'd love to go to work on the bike tomorrow. But I can't leave the SD chained up in central London for 10 hours till I get out of work. It's just too long for a spotter for organised bike crime to clock it and have a pro team turn up and load it into a van. Doesn't matter that it's in a busy high street. Doesn't matter that there's thousands of people within touching distance of the bike - they would all look the other way. Last time I went to work I took a really old cover and put it over the bike to try and blend it into the background and disguise it. But when I got to the bike the cover had been removed and pushed under the bike. That got me really paranoid.

Anyway. Just thinking that this whole thing has me pissed off. I just want to ride whenever I can and not have to worry about all this shit.

I'm interested how many others have the same issue.



2011-11-08 22:08:00 UTC

That sounds totally horible mate!
Luckily I live in one of the more unpopulated cities in OZ.
The greatest thing we have to worry about is someone running it over or coming back to find some Bogan sitting on it.
I really feel for ya, Shit must be getting bad if your scared to leave your bike on the street.
I've never been your way, but am going next year, and I don't mind saying that I'm a little apprehensive...
It just seems to me that the denser a population gets, the greater effect the 2% of Morons have, they flock together.
I've got a Road/Trail that I smash around the streets every now and again on, and I'm paranoid about that, as two guys can just lift it into a Ute.
I wish insurance covered you for your actual bike instead of what they think it's "worth"



2011-11-08 22:15:00 UTC

It is a real concern. London is full of thieving scum. FACT.
However, do you want the thieving scum to dictate how you live your life? Personally I reckon you have to just get on with it. Try not to park in the same place every day - be unpredictable and ride the bloody thing. Lock it up and hope for the best. All I put on mine is a Motorax Guvnor. The thing that throws them is that I'm never in the same place twice.
Also I now live out of the greater London scum pit....This might not be an option for you, but if you can, get the fook out of there. Seriously I think I'm gonna live ten years longer now that I just work there now.
Good luck, keep riding if you can. I do sympathise.



2011-11-08 22:16:00 UTC

We are lucky over here.. Thieving scum isn't that bad unless its a Harley (gangs steal them). I get paranoid leaving it anywhere at the gold coast (because of UK horror stories) however I don't like taking it anywhere where it will be out in the sun (the Sun over in our parts kills all rubbers and plastics faster than a gp bike). I have undercover parking behind locked gates at work (swipe pass required) and a garage at home so that does worry me for travelling and for the rest I am never out of eye site of the bike.



2011-11-08 22:27:00 UTC

I share your thoughts Bic. My first SD was nicked overnight outside my flat. It was tucked way out of site. Some thieving shits knew it was there and just lifted it off the front wheel, walked it up a long gardenpath and were away with it. Cos it was not locked in an outhouse as I said when insured it the insurance refused to pay a bean.It was only 6 months old.
I made the mistake of being honest and told em it was locked up but not garaged that one night. Strikes me the only way to catch these parasites is to fit a tracker. Can't see why we should but what otherway is there to feel you are likely to see your bike again?
Had an R1 nicked in 05 at Donington years ago whilst watching Rossi win in the pissing rain. Got backed to the car park. Bike gone. Turned out some little 17 year old scrote put my bike along with 5 others in the back of his transit and just drove out of the circuit!
Found by the police 3 days later by chance when someone tipped em off some dodgy guy had a load of bikes in a lock up.
Every time I go to a circuit ever since I feel its just by luck I find my bike where I left it.



2011-11-08 22:46:00 UTC

Hey Lobster.

Just sold my house in London, a few days to exchange and maybe a few weeks to completion. Moving next week down to West Sussex. We're renting for a while so as to look for a new house to buy. Going to have to commute up to this place every day, £3,500 a year in train fares!!!! but I can't wait. Been in London more or less since the early eighties and I've had enough of it. Shit place to bring up kids.

Maybe that's why I've been thinking so much about bike getting nicked. Just my luck if it went in the last week here. PARANOIA!! I just want to get it out of London into a little town where it's only a few minutes out to good roads to ride on, country lanes and no traffic lights. And there's less crime.

And like you, feel that I will live ten years longer not having to deal with the stress of this place.



2011-11-08 23:04:00 UTC

I feel pretty much the same way. Haven't lived anywhere without a garage for a few years now. Not worth leaving a bike outside in London. I usually cycle to work (keeps me fit for the 250EXC) and occassionally take the SD in. Although I can't chain it to something I park it out of general view. There are a couple of drivers who like the SD and ride into work themselves, and would know if somene was sniffing about. There's usually a cop car parked within a few metres of it, which helps too. But, yes, I'm paranoid after having two bikes nicked in one year and won't leave the SD in plain sight. When I work nights, I take the car. It shit, but I love the SD too much to lose it.

Have you thought about moving a bit further out of London, where you get a) nicer area and b) a garage.



2011-11-08 23:13:00 UTC

I'm glad you're getting out of there. Seriously London has bad karma. My sprog has grown up in Potters Bar Herts and he's a happy little man, God only knows what he'd be like if he'd had to slum it in Wood Green where I used to live...
And as for taking a spin on the much better. Got green lanes and roads without too many cars all over here. Love going out for a blat on the scoot, one of life's great pleasures...
London....okay to visit, but stay the fook out of it long term. It's seriously toxic.



2011-11-08 23:25:00 UTC

I ride mine every day possible. Sucks about the risks of parking it in central London. But what kind of POS would you have to ride, that thieves wouldn't touch. Train sounds better every minute as your choice of theft-resistant displacements is reduced to 49 cc.

I am fortunate in that I can park my bike literally a meter from the front entrance (on the walk). Even a nice overhang there. And its also fortunate that we have a well-armed administrative assistant at front, for whom my bike is in plain view. We ensure her proficiency in the use of her firearms, in that we take her to the range every week to practice.



2011-11-08 23:51:00 UTC

It's insured for theft right. So ride it.

Had my Duc stolen from right in front of the door to the shop a few years back. Felt violated but didn't stop me from riding to work. I put in a 5'x10'x1" thick steel plate with hardened chains welded to it to lock up with. My bike was always there when I would come out after that

The actual hassle of having to go home and get the car and turn around and head back in to town to get the kids, groceries, etc. has me leaving the bike at home more...



2011-11-09 02:25:00 UTC

My heart bleeds for you guys. As noted above we don't have to put up with that shite here in Oz. I can't remember the number of times I've accidentally left the key in the ignition and come back hours later and all Ok. I understand your frustration at having to rail against the lowest common denominator.

PS Bic - I'm an ex Londoner



2011-11-09 05:48:00 UTC

Yes, the rented house I'm moving to has a garage!!!



2011-11-09 09:16:00 UTC

The simple answer to your frustration is to move out of that shit hole that is London.

My good mate who lives not far from me has always left his bikes in an unlocked shed, often with the keys in the ignition.



2011-11-09 18:36:00 UTC

i work in london from time to time and have had tools and materials stolen , but you just kind of except it.

bic where abouts in west sussex you moving to as its my hunting ground on a day off.(pm if you prefer), and i can show you some sweet roads .



2011-11-09 19:36:00 UTC

Haywards Heath mate. Good connections back into the smoke for me every day and close to the coast and countryside for me and the family at the weekends. Looking at buying but the house we wanted fell through at the last minute so we're renting a house in the center of Haywards Heath short term to get to know the area and find the right house for us. Looking forwards to a new life. Probably moving mid next week. Where abouts are you?

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-11-09 20:30:00 UTC

Geez..Sounds bad out there Bic..
I'd of never thought..
I'm here in So.Cal and I've had cars stolen..Never my bikes..I've kept 'em too locked down mostly..
I ride back n forth to work but it's only 6 miles..At least since I got the Superduke..
Was different when I had my Harley...I keep my KTM at work mostly..And lately since I'm always takin it back apart to do mods..I haven't riden a lot..Getn there..
I know one thing..I'm enjoying myself..!!!!!



2011-11-09 21:00:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-11-09 22:10:00 UTC

Always thought that London was a place on the "to visit list",,,,,you get very phylisophical when you smoke that stuff Bic,,,,,,,could be you "should" become a writer,,,,,,,,out in the country writing about the crummy city,,,,farm life wouldn't be bad at all,,,time to write,,ride,,and spend time with the family

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-11-10 04:12:00 UTC

I'd have stayed there permanently if I could've. I went into central London a few times and every time I regretted it.

Good luck with finding a nice house.



2011-11-10 07:32:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-11-10 18:32:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-11-10 20:50:00 UTC

Its rubish that you guys have to worry about theft like that... I dont know if there is a locked door/car/bike within 5 miles of me... Not that theft doesnt happen ever but its rare..



2011-11-11 00:58:00 UTC

Show me pics of the new exhaust!!!:D