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Who Wants An RC8 Section?



2012-02-15 03:18:00 UTC

Ok, this is done in my completely non-official capacity. The poll is not binding on anyone. I'm curious to see what the general consensus is. Some people have requested the recreation of an RC8 / RC8R. What say you all?

This poll will close in 10 days.



2012-02-15 03:25:00 UTC



2012-02-15 03:32:00 UTC

It sure seems a natural proggresion. Get all those droolers off the important topics. Nothing worse than trying to have a conversation about string theory, to be interupted with the goings on about how the RC8Rs orange is shinier in the right light and how it has an infinite amount of adjustability. If It would adjust my bank balance I would be getting all excited, those days are ten college symesters away so be gone yall.
Bury that thread deep into the chasm next to gone but never remembered and keep it away from the naked pics. Dont want no accidental posts about hows I got both bikes and golly jeez wizz how purty theys looks, sittin nexts twos each others.



2012-02-15 04:35:00 UTC

Yes please.



2012-02-15 05:53:00 UTC

We actually have 2 RC8 haters..???????



2012-02-15 06:16:00 UTC

Awsome bike, happy to have that as a family member to the SD, yes please!



2012-02-15 09:00:00 UTC

Shouldn't that be Couldn't give a rats ass?
I'm for it BTW. There are some great people on here who have got both or have moved to RC8s and I think they should feel included. Maybe its just me but I feel this is more a club where members share a common interest.
While we're at it: how about an off road section?
There are a number of people on here who ride off road and are seriously hacked off with the KTM forum.



2012-02-15 09:18:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-02-15 09:25:00 UTC

If they don't vote..
They won't have bitching rights as I see it..
They don't care anyway.
Bring it..
There isn't any better place than here...
An Rc8 forum would be a lonely place..
Me thinks



2012-02-15 09:48:00 UTC

Put one on.

If guys skim the forum and see it they'll probably join up and start posting in it.

If it get used it get used. If it doesn't it can just sit there slowly building new members.



2012-02-15 10:45:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-02-15 10:47:00 UTC

I doubt it will happen after all it is aimed at a model rather than a brand.

There is the other KTM section as already stated, everyone knows who has an RC8 on here anyways dont they? personally I dont really mind just dont think it would get used very much like in the good old days when it was section crazy.

I will however request a section all for myself if ever get round to turning a RC8 into a SD



2012-02-15 12:35:00 UTC

Why not.

The ktm onroad crowd must stick together.

I'm certain if there are any posers, they will behave....OR ELSE



2012-02-15 12:37:00 UTC

Yes please!

The "other" forum is doing my nut in.

It may well turn out to be a lonely place but at least 99.9% of people on here are friendly



2012-02-15 17:52:00 UTC

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2012-02-16 03:59:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-02-16 05:34:00 UTC

It would be nice to have a section for the RC8. Before I got one I had no idea so many parts fit each other.
It's a natural progession for the duke to the RC8. The bike does not cramp you up like a regular sport bike.
You can make it fit a small or tall rider.I do have to say I am amazied the gearing is the same rear sprockit.
the front wheels are the same. It would be nice to have a place to go to help dial in the RC8.This site is the best place right now and we don't even have a section.

The other KTM's section does not work the RC8 gets lost.I think if we has a section more RC8 people would join our family.
the RC8 is the future .Maybe one day they will put that motor in the we will have a head start.990 vs 1190 that 200 cc make so much differance.If we get to know that motor it will only help.



2012-02-16 05:42:00 UTC

Ok as long as its a sub section only, you dont need rc8 mods etc getting mixed up with SD/R mods etc.......
When using the search function it would be a mess otherwise.



2012-02-16 07:55:00 UTC

Yeah I think a sub section would do the trick



2012-02-16 08:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-02-16 09:00:00 UTC

I've just created an subsection in the 'Other KTM' section.
I've moved some of the threads to this new forum.
The subsection still needs a little descriptive text... any ideas?



2012-02-16 10:44:00 UTC

[quote="Bert"]I've just created an subsection in the 'Other KTM' section.
I've moved some of the threads to this new forum.
The subsection still needs a little descriptive text... any ideas?[/quote

That works The only thing I would change would be RC8/R. This is how KTM has it because they made the RC8 first then in 2010 they made the RC8 (standard) and the (R) now all RC8 's will be R version only.
There are a bunch of non R's out there and they are differant.Just like the duke standard and the R

It's like the duke they made both you would not want it to be superduke R only.Since they sold more standards than R's
at least in the states.

Thanks Bert great job and thanks to the crotch for the poll I think this will make this site better than ever.



2012-02-16 11:40:00 UTC

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2012-02-16 17:17:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-02-21 18:38:00 UTC

Well sir you guys are doing a great job.
I have been on other sites and it's all ad's for cell phones and crap. no one talking about the bike.
That is why this site is the best.Ktm has to see this and see how much we love our bikes.

They can learn a lot from some of the real smart guys that have made these bikes better.
I thank you for giving us a place to go for the RC8 because there is nothing.

The Uk site for some reason I think most of them are a little drunk when they post.
It's tough to get a question answered with out some kind of insult.

I have learned everything I know about my duke here.I made many friends and do track days.
It's great.Now if I can ever learn to post pics and have a avitar then I will be complete!

Thanks again for the RC8 section.