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WTF - Street fight in Vegas

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-07-24 11:35:00 UTC



2011-07-24 23:11:00 UTC



2011-07-25 00:40:00 UTC

To the first vid. That last kick was a proper goal post punt!



2011-07-25 12:29:00 UTC

Thought that Vegas vid was like.......he's slappin like a bitch but on reflection I think the fat dude was a bitch.

Anway stop wasting time and take some cooking lessons, keep the wife happy....maybe.



2011-07-25 13:19:00 UTC

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2011-07-25 20:13:00 UTC

All i wanted was to see those tits! Couldnt give a crapola about the dancing. Good thread hijack too btw!!



2011-07-25 21:29:00 UTC

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2011-07-25 21:43:00 UTC

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2011-07-26 14:35:00 UTC

Love this vid... the opposite of all the other fights: I old man. 5 yong men. One punch each. All out. Class. ... ation.html



2011-07-28 14:39:00 UTC

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2011-07-28 15:05:00 UTC

^^ they're probably teenage punks and he's in some position of authority so everyone was afraid to fight back.

As for the first fight... hard to follow exactly, but bottom line is those 2 guys and 2 girls ganged up on one dude and wound up getting smashed. Justice served. I hate to see cowards ganging up on anyone, so whatever follows is fair game IMO.



2011-07-28 15:08:00 UTC

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2011-07-28 15:32:00 UTC

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2011-07-28 15:45:00 UTC

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2011-07-28 16:48:00 UTC

A wrestler who knows how to kick and punch is just about guaranteed to win any fight. Even if you're a BJJ master, you can't get the guy down into a position where you can apply your techniques... and in the meantime, he's pounding your face in with his fists and feet when he's not completely dominating you on the mat

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-07-28 20:38:00 UTC

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2011-07-28 22:10:00 UTC

Not so sure I think MMA and UFC is as crap as is being made out here, I think they have real skills. I also think they arent as fit as people make out.....3 or 5 rounds, albeit longer than boxing is not he same as 12 rounds. Some of those bigger guys really puff n pant through the last round too.

I think boxing really is at the top end of the pugilistic sports. Amazing skills needed and great fitness. That said, I love teh more 'classic' martial arts of course, but they rarely exist as sport as it would dilute most martial arts too much because half the techniques would never be allowed in a sport.

I've heard the Pride series was way more hardcore than UFC, only seen a little bit on youtube, any links would be welcome!

Anyway.....I'm glad we havent decended into a 'which system is hardest/best' debacle. I think thats all a waste of time, its all about the fighter imo....a good boxer will beat a bad kung fu guy etc are tools, using them is down to the individual and their 'balls' imo. Some call it fighting spirit...whatever it is, soe folk have it in spades....others dont and have to cultivate it. I am far more in the second category but I love learning and pushing my comfort zone



2011-07-28 23:24:00 UTC

Anyone who questions the fitness of professional MMA fighters is nuts, or hasn't actually stepped foot in a ring.

I box regularly and spar 12 rounders. It's tough, no doubt, but MMA is tougher. Best vs best, mma fighters are in better shape, no question about it.

Boxing is a very specific discipline. I love it, it really is an art and a science. But it by no means makes a complete fighter, not by a longshot. If a boxer has to start throwing knees, kicks, and defending takedowns (not to mention wrestling once on the ground)... trust me, he wouldn't last three 5 minute rounds. It takes considerably more energy to fight with all your limbs than just throw and defend punches. I couldn't even last 4 rounds of training in an MMA club when we had to throw combinations with knees... and I can box for 12 rnds no prob. I threw up at the end of that workout... intense, no other way about it. And that was just with knees in the mix. Nevermind when you have to protect from a takedown or actually wrestle with someone on the ground; talk about a drain.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-07-29 18:49:00 UTC

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Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-07-29 19:54:00 UTC

All this talk of street fighting , what style is best for the street etc etc why does anybody go to that street in the first place?

I have been to some pretty rough streets in my time; Union St in Plymouth, Sauchihall st in Glasgow, Rochester High st (where I got a fractured eye socket) Railton Road in Brixton, Old Kent Rd when Millwall are playing. Coronation St and Albert Square (people get murderered there



2011-07-29 20:22:00 UTC

Havin a few beers are ya Luke?

Feeling a bit provocative?

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-07-29 20:28:00 UTC

I got mugged on Seseme street.

My fault, had a packet of cookies in full view - schoolboy error.



2011-07-29 23:44:00 UTC

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