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990 SD vs SDR Wheels



2015-06-03 11:59:00 UTC

So I'm considering an SDR but I'm not sure I can trust the seller. I don't wanna make a 10 hour drive to pick it up to come back empty handed. See Cragslist's ad

See the following email between myself and the seller and tell me what you think.

Thank you so much for making that video for me. I look at it several times and there are a few things I wanted to ask you.

You said in the Craigslist ad the bike has the lightweight forged Marchesinni rims. It seems to have the standard cast Marchesinni's, not forged.
His answer: As I was told by the KTM North America rep, the wheels are forged. This is a standard for SDRs. There are no sand casting dimples that I can see on the wheels. Are you sure you are not confusing forged for machined?

Also, in the ad it says Mono-block Brembo calipers and it seems to have the same brakes as the standard SD just painted black. Am I missing something? His answer: They are mono-block (one piece) and not painted at all.

Also, do you have a Dyno sheet ? You stated 142 RWHP to the pavement. That is an impressive number. His answer: No I do not. I never had to have a custom map built as I expected because the factory map worked fantastically. Therefore, no dyno sheet as I never brought it to the shop. Do the math. I figure the pipe is giving me about 8 extra HP. The SDRs run at 134 RWHP from the factory if I recall correctly. Research it.

Thank you so much for your time,




2015-06-03 13:20:00 UTC

Steve, is there any reason why you're using his Craigslist photo as your profile photo?

The bike looks legit, but anybody who was trying to sell me something, and told me to "do the math" wouldn't get my money.



2015-06-03 14:17:00 UTC

Walk away.



2015-06-03 14:22:00 UTC

I probably jumped the gun using that photo for my profile. But when I struck a verbal deal with the guy I figure the SDR would be my next bike. Now I'm not so sure. There are several inconsistencies with his description of the bike and the reality of it

Black 08 990



2015-06-03 16:31:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-03 16:54:00 UTC

Arnt all the post 06 bikes equiped with mono blocks?



2015-06-03 18:20:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-04 00:01:00 UTC

Alrighty........So Steve and I just got off the phone discussing all of this.

Some of the advice I'm reading here being given to Steve is rather, interesting. LOL! I get it. I do.

The bike is mine. It is legit and the only thing I got wrong on the ad thus far after researching more today on Steve's behalf was the mono-block calipers. Suffice it to say, the majority of the ad I posted on craigslist was lifted from an online bike rag. So, perhaps the caliper thing was a misprint. However, Sport rider lists the bike with forged aluminium wheels. And, if I am not mistaken, KTM North America informed me they were forged and not cast. This came to light with concerns I had about the center hub being 1/8th of an inch out of center on the rear wheel. I'm anal and called them on it. The rep who I had worked with since I bought the bike explained to me that after forging, they hang the wheels by the center hub to cool, and sometimes gravity will cause the hub to shift slightly off center. They've seen this many times before with their wheels and wouldn't replace the wheel under warranty as they knew it is not a real world issue and only cosmetic if you will.

As far as not having white SDRs stateside. You are correct. Hence the 10k asking price. This bike is one of two crated '08 SDRs that KTM North America clad in 2010 European bodywork because they were going to include SDRs in the 2010 line-up stateside. The colors were to be the 2009 Euro colors. KTM North America did not have any 2010 SDRs stateside when they decided to include them for 2010, so they dressed up these two SDRs in the 2009 Euro plastics. After they applied the white bodywork, they shipped the bikes to Laguna Seca for a dealer/press release for the 2010 line-up. Scuderia West in San Francisco bought both of them after the showing. This is one of them. One of two gents. I do not know if you can buy white European bodywork stateside, but just because your SDR is black, it does not mean this bike isn't legit. Not only is it legit, it is rare as F$%K stateside! Chew on that forum warriors.

A word of advice, if your arse has pimples on it and you saw an arse that didn't, would you claim that the pimpless arse is not an arse. Certainly you wouldn't. Why people do it with bikes and other consumables is beyond me. I speak not to what I do not know to be fact. Kudos to the poster that claimed that I might be on the up-and-up. At least there are some reasonable peeps still out there.

Steve's getting an awesome SDR for the price we agreed upon. I told him to go pound sand when he initially contacted me and was trying to beat me down on price. Why? because this bike is 1 of 2 gentlemen. And it is practically brand new to boot! That is why. Keeping it would not hurt my feelings in the least. It's been paid for for a long time now and It looks awesome in my garage painted against the black and white RaceDeck flooring. Fact of the matter is, I have vertigo problems now and riding bikes ceased for me about two years ago as a result. This awesome beauty sitting my garage is nothing more than floor art at this point. Might as well take the loss and let someone else abuse it.



2015-06-04 02:40:00 UTC

Buy it



2015-06-04 03:49:00 UTC

I was just reading my old post about the wheels and I kept using the term "cast." I suspect they are cast and not forged. I guess getting old has consequences eh?



2015-06-04 20:22:00 UTC

I have to wonder who Thunderpunk is trying to sell or convince on points in his ad ... As it is really no business of mine what someone pays for something they want, white SDR plastics are not unobtanium, and neither is white paint ... It doesn't matter, if a buyer and seller agree to a price and terms/conditions thereof, that's all there is to completing a sales transaction.

Did the tank come with the flames on them too? Sure would like to know who wired up the PCIII on SDR as well - as this was not a standard Dynojet item ...

For the record, as far as anyone here factually knows, the the last new model year for the 990 SD or SDR in the US, was 2008. Not 2009. Not 2010.

A manufacturer certainly has right to change models midstream in almost any way they wish, the caveat being that for all but cosmetic changes, there are usually regulatory hurdles to clear (not applicable for a color change).

Ass pimples or not, the analogy isn't applicable: All people have an ass, and they come in a nearly infinite variety of forms (7 billion maybe?) and, shall we say "conditions". This is universally understood, and pimples are common.

This was not the case for US 990 SDRs: As far as anyone is aware, it came in one form - part of which was its color: Black.

Not even stating that the sellers isn't true, but before doling out for what may be considered a premium for something on the basis of it's seller's claim of exclusivity, it's worth doing some homework on. 10 hours is a lot driving - my ass hurts just thinking about it.

The Scuderia West folks are a fine and helpful bunch: All it would take is a phone call to them, confirm the seller's story. And I don't mean a phone call by the seller - I mean you Steve. Personally, I'd be calling KTM USA in Ohio, as they would be able to verify this as well.

Good luck with it Steve!



2015-06-04 21:28:00 UTC

Flames were put on by me as well as all mods. I would suspect most experienced riders can do most of their own work on their bikes. 'Least the guys I ran with can. We all help each other. Call Don at Scuderia West Steve. He'll let you know if he remembers. I'm sure he would. I've got pics of the bike on his showroom floor to jog his memory if he needs it.

And as not to confuse, this was a crated 2008 SDR clad in 2009 model year Euro body work by KTM. They were going to bring them to the states in this color for 2010, hence the dealer press release to give photo ops for all the bike rags like the MCnews article I attached. Shortly thereafter, KTM pulled the plug on the 2010 release in the U.S. Look at the date I joined this forum, then look at the date on the bike rag article I posted. Starting to see how the pieces are gelling? Yes, the world is full of liars. I'm not one of them. Although I could be mistaken on a few things, I certainly do not try to intentionally mislead people.

All things aside, it really doesn't matter at this point. Steve is getting the bike for the price of a normal well kept SDR. Trust me, he's going melt when he sees it sitting in my garage. I will miss it.



2015-06-04 21:34:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-04 22:05:00 UTC

Though I haven't been on the forum for a while now
since crashing my S.D. last year...I concur with Nerd..
I'd hate to see someone NOT get what his heart is set on..
Just saying..I know of a few from this forum that couldn't
give away their beloved SDR's..Just a hard sell for $10K
when you can get a new 1290..Which is a far superior
upgrade..I DO miss my S.D.!!! Wish I still had that beauty..!!!
Almost took my Rsv4 in to T.O. Powersports last weekend
for a trade in..They had a new 1290 in orange for $15k
something something..I just couldn't be that spontanious
because of other issues I was having..
As dribble said..Buy it..You will enjoy the Hell out of it..
I might say do more reasearch too but I think that's too late..
Welcome to the forum.!!



2015-06-04 23:13:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-04 23:31:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-04 23:52:00 UTC

Brotha, I had some jackass PM me from Craigslist in SoCal last time I put the bike up for sale (was asking $12.5K then and turned down an offer for 10K) and told me that I needed to correct my ad or he was going to flag it. Here, I'll post the diatribe. Stupid mofo really had me boiling mad. Another know it all.

I bet Mr. Anus lives in this forum too, since he's such a cool and awesome SDR rider. Where you at Mr. Anus? You up in here brah? Aphex, are you Mr. Anus? I see your location is SoCal and you had to use an avatar of yourself pulling a wheelie to be all cool and stuff my man. You kinda fit the stereotype. Is you be Mr. Anus?



2015-06-05 00:21:00 UTC

Here's the pic or Mr. Anus' SDR in front of Alice's restaurant that he sent with his e-mail. Note the chicken strips on this tool's bike? Friggen poser. Talking to me like I don't know anything about SDRs. At least I know how to ride one. Even worse, this tool parks his rear tyre in oil. What an awesome example of SDR prowess and riding awareness!



2015-06-05 00:25:00 UTC

You certainly are fun to fook with I'll give you that. I haven't had this much fun since BassAgent's early days.

I'm not buying your bike so I really don't care what it has or doesn't have installed on it, or what parts are cast or forged. As for your ad hominems, that hurt man....really hurt, I'm gonna sit here and think about what I've typed.

Enjoy your fall into senility.



2015-06-05 00:34:00 UTC

I am a character. KTM riders are a bit different ya know! I wish KTM would have put the kickstand on the right side of the bike. Would have helped balance you lefties there in Cali out a bit by forcing you to lean to the right more often. Hehehehe!



2015-06-05 07:25:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-05 07:50:00 UTC

You're all fooking poosies lololol
Just kiding but yes moto riders are nuts and ktm riders worse



2015-06-05 08:32:00 UTC

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2015-06-05 18:14:00 UTC

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2015-06-05 20:07:00 UTC

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2015-06-05 20:10:00 UTC

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2015-06-05 20:20:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-05 20:43:00 UTC

You're a big boy Steve, and don't need our permission, approval, or condemnation for purchasing whatever you please, at any price you and a seller come to agreement on.

I completely understand your desire to replace your SD - it IS riding season - and given that this particular example of an SDR is - shall we say - unique, your caution and inquiry are well-placed. I wish we ( registrants) could provide you with absolutely accurate information on this bike - but no one really seems to know the complete history here. Unfortunately, the best we can do is share what we do know, and provide you with opinions and perspectives that you may not have considered. No matter the outcome, I don't think anyone is going to say "... I told ya so ..." - this really isn't that kind of forum. Regardless, I'm not sure any of this matters.

Most important is that you obtain something of value - to you - that you'll be happy with. It's your hard-earned money, not ours. Assuming that all is in order and well with the bike, I hope that it's everything you expect it to be, and it finds a home in your garage. We've done our best to provide you with what to keep an eye out for, and know you won't get emotional about the process. How do I know this? Unlike arrogant pricks that seem to make up the majority on most moto forums, you had the smarts to ask for buying advice - refreshingly sensible.

I hope your journey - other than the purchase - is an uneventful one.



2015-06-05 20:51:00 UTC

You know what Steve, I'm really tired of dealing with the jabs at my integrity. Really I am. I was looking at the bike last night wondering if I should let it go for as cheap as you are getting it. I cut a deal with you on it and all I am getting is grief. I don't know what else I can do. I shot a video and sent it to you and I get a bunch of questions that anyone who can look at an SDR and tell what it is would already know the answers to. It is an SDR with standard SDR components and power mods. Anyone with eyes can see that. I'll keep the damned thing. I'd rather get the full 10k out of it with less headaches from someone local than deal with this crap. At the very worst. I won't sell it which is most certainly fine by me, trust on that. I love the bike and would rather look at it since it is paid for that let it go for less than I wanted and be treated like a liar constantly. Unbelievable. Deals off buddy. The deal is off. I'm keeping the bike. I don't allow people that do not respect my integrity into my home. I'll send you your deposit back.



2015-06-05 22:29:00 UTC

How did I miss all of this....



2015-06-05 22:35:00 UTC

Get out of here brah! I want all the attention on this one. Don't be comin' up in here stealing it from me!



2015-06-05 22:49:00 UTC

Thunderpunk, like I said, beer is on you tomorrow at 5

Black 08 990



2015-06-05 22:57:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-05 22:57:00 UTC

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2015-06-05 23:14:00 UTC

I don't like the flames but that bike looks cleeeeeeeeean as.



2015-06-05 23:39:00 UTC

Flames will peel right off. I left them on because the orange in them matches the frame to a "T".



2015-06-06 00:04:00 UTC

Either way i think Steve is getting a tidy tidy SDR.



2015-06-06 00:12:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-06 00:20:00 UTC

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2015-06-06 01:18:00 UTC

You ought to try writing one.



2015-06-06 06:14:00 UTC

Really like this bike!!

think I love the man cave more.



2015-06-06 12:12:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-06 14:15:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-06 21:16:00 UTC

Anyone who rides KTMs is my brother. Except Mr. Anus.

Bike is gone. Steve had a huge smile on his face when he left. It was not easy watching it roll down the driveway on the way to its new home.

Have fun on that thing Steve. Wish I could have ridden it more, brother. You scored a great bike.



2015-06-06 23:46:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-07 17:48:00 UTC

Home safe.

Now I need to register it. Insure it. Change all fluids (yes I'm anal) and enjoy the crap out of it.

08 990 SDR



2015-06-08 06:14:00 UTC

Awesome! Good on both of you... that's a mint/bad ass SDR right there, I'm jealous. If you take care of your bike/bikes, they'll take care of you is my belief.

Were you an ex WWE wrestler or some shit, you sound and talk just like one of them?



2015-06-09 03:08:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-09 03:50:00 UTC

Nothing wrong with the colloquialisms i use it all the time



2015-06-09 10:32:00 UTC

too bad you cant ride anymore
Like your garage btw
good luck



2015-06-11 10:33:00 UTC

Wow, very clean bike, Steve should be happy to find one like this. Video tells all about the bike, it is real SDR 08, no doubts about it.