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Dilemma - what to do?



2014-11-05 20:23:00 UTC

OK, so this is how I use the forum now, there's nothing written about the 990 anymore so might as well pass out my personal life crisis for debate as I know there's a good cross section of views and opinions out there that I like to hear.

As many of you know I have a five year old and three year old twins. All three of them have learned to ride on balance bikes and the oldest has progressed onto a first pedal bike. Christmas is looming and Amy is pushing for us getting the twins pedal bikes. All of this is great because watching your kids learn to ride is amazing and it's great time spent.


I really like the idea of this new breed of electric trials bikes that are hitting the market. In the UK there is a guy who started making them for his son and now has a business doing really well. They are called OSET and run silently on batteries but are really well made and teach everything you need to know about off road riding skills and fun on two wheels. There is a 12.5 inch wheel version that is ideal for 3-6 year olds, you can even dial down the power so they they get too learn progressively. Not cheap - they retail for about £800 and really hold their value well.

On e bay they always go for between £500 and £650 for second hand.

Anyway, Amy will not accept the idea of a powered bike for our kids at this age. She deems them too dangerous. It's a load of bollox, (I think), and we have had many long debates about this but I have failed to win her over. I have watched them on ebay every week for the last six months. I know a good one and a bargain when I see one. I'm a fooking expert!


Just been following one that came to an end a few minutes ago. A beaut, one owner, spare batteries, the right model, the right colour.

I bid on it.

So my question is how do I break it to Amy without ending in divorce and with her giving the kids her blessings?



2014-11-05 20:33:00 UTC

Awesome! That's a great buy. I'd get one in a snap for either of my kids (10 & 3) if I could afford it. I have a mate that bought one for his son, and the son has pretty much given up his PW80 for the OSET. Really good fun.

I don't know about the UK website, but here in New Zealand it clearly states they are "Mother friendly", so you shouldn't have any worries at all



2014-11-05 20:38:00 UTC

Bic: "Honey? You know how I like looking online for character building tools for the kids right? Well .... I got a great, I mean GREAT deal, I mean it's almost an investment that will keep its value and we will likely MAKE money when we sell it in four years. Yes, it's going to be a combined Christmas present so no need to purchase any other gifts for them. Oh, I forgot, this gift will require the kids to wear safety gear. I mean, helmet, gloves, and likely protective motocross style pants and shirt. Yes, and shoulder knee pads would not be unwise".

Amy: "Bic, you're a GENIUS! That sounds like a great idea. Why didn't I come up with it? That's why I love you honey. You are awesome"



2014-11-05 20:39:00 UTC

Kids are gonna get hurt, they're bones are still bendy like a malleable bit of metal at this point. So it's highly unlikely that anything they do will be permanent.

I'm sure she'd rather they fall off a bike than out of a tree.

Preach all of the safety you'll be ingraining into your children and the protection they'll be wearing. Hell you can even use it as a reward for the kids (no bike til you do _______, I'll take that bike away ect ect...).

FWIW I'm still young and don't have kids so I'm talking out my ass .



2014-11-05 20:40:00 UTC

OK, there is a saying that stuck. It stuck for a reason.... Happy wife, happy life. Anything else is at your own risk. I as a guy am excited about the electric bike deal. I bet if your wife was a man, there wouldn't be an issue here!



2014-11-05 20:41:00 UTC


The last picture of your daughter riding and bouncing and almost loosing control, would not happen if she was riding an OSET with full suspension, knobbies and of course, full gear.

Best of luck with Amy!



2014-11-05 22:04:00 UTC

Yep - get a custom made 1 piece race suit for her with gloves, boots and helmet and show your wife that she will be much safer with all the gear.




2014-11-05 22:51:00 UTC

I got my boy Alex an electric bike when he was 3. His mum hated it but its slower than a pedal bike and isn't used on the road. After a while she got over it and he had fun until he out grew it. Still sitting in the back garden actuall mostly untouched.

As for nothing being written about the 990 all I can say is stay tuned. My project should be ready to start soon after Christmas and if I can find the energy I will focument progress as I go along.



2014-11-05 23:39:00 UTC

Comrade Bic: Oh dear... If you thought you had problems with Norbert that ain't nothing compared to what you are going to get from Amy. Still with three kids I guess you aint getting much anyway so you'll just get used to it. After a year or two the anger will become part of her personality and you'll start to think it was always like that ... it ain't divorce it's much worse than that.

Anyway moving forward my advice would be not to tell her what you've done and try to think of ways to encourage her to think the bike is a good idea (indeed her idea). If you could do this eventually you might be able to encourage her to look on ebay at a time when some scmuck has just the right thing at a ridiculously cheap price (way less than the scmuck actually paid for it) then she''ll be so pleased with how clever she has been that she might even take you out for a romantic dinner with the savings



2014-11-06 02:15:00 UTC

Cute kids. My oldest is not quite three, so this dilemma is on the horizon for me as well. The problem is, you have already lost the use of that great marriage doctrine, "it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission."

I would double-down on the safety angle. Start insisting that they wear helmets on the push bikes. Then, come in talking about how the bikes have "no brakes", and it's only a matter of time before the kids begin perching them at the top of any steep hill they can find. "If only the bike had some kind of limiter on the wheel, preventing it from going past a certain speed... like some kind of electric governor... Hey, I know!" etc.

Good luck.



2014-11-06 04:10:00 UTC

Seems OSET is a really good choice for little beginners.

My little guy got his strider when he turned two. He got a Honda 50cc with the training wheels when he turned three. He's to short to hold the bike up by himself, but he understands starts, stops, and turning to avoid collision. He started riding a pedal bike with no training wheels at three and a half. The OSET is a very good choice electric scoot for little ones to learn on. I wish I knew of it before buying the Honda 50cc.

Everyone on my street enjoys seeing my little guy learning how to do all theses things. He's very entertaining!



2014-11-06 04:13:00 UTC

Oh! Forgot to mention... It's cheaper to keep her.



2014-11-06 20:29:00 UTC

Those OSET bikes look cool,

I gave in and bought my son a PW50 at 4yo, (he went through balance bikes and was able to ride a pedal bike)

He rode it well, really well. But all the training i gave him still couldn't prevent him from several crashes with the last one braking his collar bone and upper arm. (will full complete gear on)

Keeping them on push bikes for longer is not a bad idea until there body's nervous system and bones are more developed. Burns there energy too.

Gear them up as much as you can!



2014-11-06 22:55:00 UTC

As the old saying goes..."its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"
Failing that give to one of your parents or mates to give to the kids as a gift, hard for Amy to say no to that.
Cant believe how quick the twins are growing up.



2014-11-06 23:46:00 UTC

You want equality and the best for your family and dumbing them down or telling them you can't will hamper them...

By purchasing this product you are basically teaching both your children that anything is possible and there are no limits!!



2014-11-07 02:59:00 UTC

How warm is your garage? That answer will determine many more.



2014-11-07 03:07:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-07 03:26:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-07 04:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-07 05:03:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-07 07:44:00 UTC

I 'mentioned' the situation in the car driving home after the kids school run.

"How much?" was the cold reaction.

'It's not about the cost, it's the benefit to the kids. Lets talk about it"

"You only bought it on Ebay so I can't make you send it back"

"No, I bought it on Ebay because it's the best place to get a used bike"

Silence for five miles.

At least it's out in the open now.



2014-11-07 08:48:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-07 10:36:00 UTC

No mate. silence for 5 miles home. Then silence all afternoon.

Now everything is back to normal but no mention of the subject. Which is OK by me.



2014-11-07 16:34:00 UTC

Yep, they will all be fighting to get it off me! Seriously though, I will use it as a reward for good behaviour and a bit of rare one-on-one time with each kid. It's the same now with the big swing in the garden.



2014-11-21 17:09:00 UTC

I got it home finally. 400mile round trip with this stashed away in the boot of a little hire car.



2014-11-21 18:30:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-21 22:37:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-27 18:02:00 UTC

Really nice! Hope the kids love it.
You'll be buying yourself a GasGas in no time!