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Do you run into other riders that don't know what you ride?

No more twin

No more twin

2017-12-22 17:11:00 UTC

Don't know how many times I meet other motorcycle riders that ask me "what is that?" Some you can tell them it's a Super Duke and then they ask "who makes it". Then when you tell them KTM, most will say "the dirt bike company, I didn't know they made street bikes". Still to this day. You can pretty much eliminate the Harley crowd as they don't think or know any other motorcycle company exists and you can include the non-motorcyclist to not know either.




2017-12-22 17:35:00 UTC

Some stooped c@#t asked if it's a Buell. I've heard the same thing on my Monster.



2017-12-23 10:23:00 UTC

'oh yeah, I love Ducatis'