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I'm ok, the bike is becoming ok.



2016-04-06 07:03:00 UTC

So, i haven't been around quite a lot of time. During that time, i made lots of trips, some was short others were longer. The bike gave me lots of excitment and joy. Among these, on 2nd of December, is an accident i had.

It was one of these days that it had sun during the day but at night it had cold and humidity. The accident happened in that left turn or in the next one

as I was riding in the that road as shown in the video. The part of the road there, because it is in the sade of the mountain, wasn’t dry. It had some moisture.

As i was in the middle of the left turn, the back end of the bike slides twice and it slides a little bit hard. I panicked, i don’t remember what i did. But i assume that i managed to go through the turn and at the end i lifted up the bike in an upright position. The next think i remember is that i headed to the wall. And that’s how i crashed. I hit the wall in upright position, and the bike was almost parallel to the wall. The next thing i remember is that i stood up and i saw the bike some meters away.

I was ok except a big scratch in the belly and that’s why the jacket lifted during the crash, because it wasn’t connected to the pants. I stayed five days in the hospital for mostly precautious reasons. As i see the bike and the damages it has, I assume that it crashed to the wall, the handlebars moved powerful from on side to another and then the bike must have flipped (that why the speedo and the subframe damaged) and then landed on the right side.

Last week i started to fix the bike. Bike's major damages are the speedo, the radiator, the subframe, joystick, throttle control and two clutch covers. I have to mention that crash protectors save from much more worse damage
Among the others, I've ordered new tyres and i anticipate to ride the beast again. I missed it



2016-04-06 09:03:00 UTC

Sorry to hear you had a fall but glad you're ok



2016-04-06 12:07:00 UTC

Glad you are OK, pics are not working for me