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Isle of Man TT



2015-04-30 10:25:00 UTC

Advice/help/information required....

For my 25th my girlfriend managed to get tickets and accommodation for this years Isle of Man TT which I was exceptionally happy about; unfortunately this has worn out after trying to get a hire vehicle over there to use! - Everywhere has nothing available it is a complete pain in the arse!

How do they expect to attract new visitors to the TT if all the regulars that get to go the year before; book at the fooking travel/accommodation and vehicle hire for the next year!

She tried the ferry and got told they aren't taking booking in June (2014) and call back in November - called back and all the spaces were gone! Luckily she managed to get flights but the problem continues!

She tried accommodation closer to the circuit to which all the regulars that went the year before had booked all the fooking rooms - She managed to get a place in Port Erin but that is miles away from the TT and there are no vehicles available to hire - we keep getting told they have been booked since last year!

Has anyone got any advice/tips - I know we can get a travel card which might be our only option but just need to vent the frustration - no wonder the average age of motorcycle riders is high - they price everything out of the reach of anyone younger!

(Apologies if this causes offence to older motorcyclists there is no offence intended!)



2015-04-30 16:16:00 UTC

Why wouldn't you ride there?



2015-04-30 20:33:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-04-30 21:19:00 UTC


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2015-04-30 22:55:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-05-01 02:25:00 UTC

You should go and when and if you need to move about there is always a way. I would not let or sweat the small stuff. Stay loose and wing it, your on holiday at a world famous race venue for heavens sake.



2015-05-04 04:17:00 UTC

Two lads I met there last year had a similar issue getting bikes to the Island for race week. They went over a month in advance for the day and went looking for storage on the island. They made a deal with a farmer, left the bikes with him and returned to the mainland. They returned on foot,caught the bus to the farmers place,paid him what was owed,and went on their way. On the way back you could probably return on standby as thats what they did and it was the Saturday after the Senior probably their busiest day



2015-06-09 07:48:00 UTC

Well hopefully Reevus is over on the Island at the moment and having a ball. You can get the Steam Railway from Port Erin to Douglas, but it's a touristy thing, not really a commuting option (and probably quite pricey too). The wheeze described by Speirmoor sounds good; take your bikes over in advance (when the ferry prices are MUCH cheaper) and store them ready for use during the important fortnight. The ferry prices are criminal during TT and ManxGP (or Classic TT as it's now called I believe) times, the steam Racket have a monopoly on all crossings to the Island and they absolutely milk it when the racing is on. Still, it is worth it when you get over there, a truly magical place.

This made interesting reading; (follow the URL, scroll down to 5th June at 06:07) some eejit who was banned in the UK thought he could get away with riding on the Island, only rode like a prick and attracted a lot of attention to himself and suffered the consequences.

The open roads are great to ride on, but they deal very harshly with those who dick around in posted speed limits. Good for them.
This page seems to list a depressing number of road closures due to single vehicle incidents involving a bike, too many people getting far too carried away along there...



2015-06-09 09:22:00 UTC

Still here out tonight...can't wait...looked at ferry crossing for next year already but will see if I can gather info when I'm over there!

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2015-06-09 18:40:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-06-09 18:47:00 UTC

Attending the Isle of Man TT is
defintely something on my bucket list.!!