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May have to sell my bike



2015-07-20 15:42:00 UTC

Well its come to light that my employer wishes to sack me after i sent him an email stating i had concerns and wanted to arrange meeting.. it all went badly when i asked for a note taker as i didnt agree with some of the lies he said in a previous letter.

Now i'm told i'm going lose my job Wednesday does anyone have any wise words of wisdom?

if not i'm stuffed and have to sell my pride and joy.. something i've built into my own little piece of happiness

No. 47

No. 47

2015-07-20 16:04:00 UTC



2015-07-20 16:27:00 UTC

Move on. Dealing with liars is a waste of time. Take your dedication and devotion to a place that cares. Even if a resolution is put in place that keeps you employed at this hell hole, it is only going to happen again. You have worth, fuckthatbastard.



2015-07-20 16:57:00 UTC

What country are you working from mate? I get the impression it's not the uK?

But in the UK there are a lot of laws to protect the employee. In the past I have been a director of three companies and employed quite a few people. It's not easy to 'Sack" somone - even if they are no good and you don't want to employ them any more. There are a number of legal procedures that you have to follow otherwise you can face a claim of unlawful dismissal etc. Certainly asking to have a word with your line manager/boss is not a reason to make you redundant or fire you.

I'm sure there are a lot more details and facts that you have not been able to say here but to face having no job at the end of a short period with no notice or compensation sounds very illegal to me.

Even if you dan't want to stay and no longer want to work at your place of work then you are still entitled to being treated legally and fairly.

A lot depends on what your employment contract says, how long you've worked there, what was the nature of your previous concerns, any previous history of your time there regarding performance reviews etc.

Ask any questions and I can help you if I can.

Good luck.



2015-07-20 17:13:00 UTC

Hello guys/girls

yes Bic I'm only down the road in Kent (please don't judge)

You are right there are many facts I'm not at liability to say just yet. but i ensure you I only wanted a word with my boss due to my treatment in work and load I'm expecting to do.

I've been within the company for over two years I'm still to see a contract/terms (which I have stated I'm entitled to after 2 month) the main reason I have pushed for this now is Apparently I have been given a promotion that gives me greater responsibilities. (if you call a cut in basic wage to be handed a silly bonus of commission that just tops it back over your last basic).

never had a performance review in fact praised at how well i do the job.. but it takes its toll when you do most of the work and other lazy members just sit back for the ride.
some i'd like to say is the good old tax dodge!!

your right I have lost faith and I've just been sent a letter of apology (maybe light at the end) but is this down to me listing the facts and him realising he has no option.. will it be something else to get me out later. who knows.

but I've had enough



2015-07-20 22:47:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-21 08:21:00 UTC

Good luck mate



2015-07-21 09:16:00 UTC

Bikes going on ebay tonight

Biting the bullet and doing 99p no reserve

Shall send a link later



2015-07-21 09:29:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-21 09:33:00 UTC

Nope your right..

But even if I don't get fired (I have an extremely strong case) but life is going to be made difficult.

To the point I'm going to need to be whiter than white. It's going to make me even more stressed to make sure I don't fook up.
I just don't want to work like that. So my thinking is using the monies from the sale of the bike to fund some extra schooling maybe try venturing out on my own etc.



2015-07-21 12:38:00 UTC

I'm now extremely pissed off..

I've just taken a personal call from a customer friend of the business owner asking for my version of events and why i've been signed off work for stress?

Surly this is bulling and not on?



2015-07-21 14:45:00 UTC

What you need at times like this is a clear head.
Take a holiday, do something that completely uses 100% focus , like motor bike riding, rock climbing ect...if you are not too pissed off.
Taking your mind off the task will rest the brain.
While still on holiday and rested up, reflect what you really want to do.
There really are other places to work, and you don't want to work for / with people you can not trust.
Update your resume, and keep your eyes open for another job, net work with your buds.
Go back to work, keep your head down as in no conflicts, and ride it out, but keep looking for another job.
Screw that selling your bike, or tools.

Just grin and bear it, knowing you have a plan...

The Gin Reaper

The Gin Reaper

2015-07-21 18:32:00 UTC

Its listed ... 1555.l2649

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2015-07-21 21:23:00 UTC

Get a diary and keep detailed notes of what happens between you and your employer and any customers that contact you from here on in. He said she said never goes well if a tribunal is the only way out but clear concise notes with times and dates of all of your employers transgressions is hard to dispute if it's presented properly. It also helps build a better picture when you read back through your note....



2015-07-21 21:49:00 UTC

FFS calm down lad there are plenty of other schools that will let you stand outside with a lollipop.



2015-07-21 23:12:00 UTC

Comrade: Dribble is not only right but also cogent. Just move on. At the end of the day self-respect and dignity are everything. If you have to sell the bike so be it. There's a lesson to be learned. BTW people with self respect and dignity are very attractive to decent employers and as it happens members of the opposite sex.



2015-07-22 01:01:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-22 09:17:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-22 22:30:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-23 04:44:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-23 06:28:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-07-23 06:46:00 UTC

Evidence, evidence!!!! Tape the meeting on your phone or recorder!!! Have copies of everything and talk to a good solicitor! I'm sure there are some around that work on winners fee.
Don't bash the cnut as this will work against you, I can guarantee you the smug smile will disappear when they get the bill!!![/quote]

Hope so.

I now have an unsigned copy of a contract/ terms dated 22nd this states I'm not aloud to recored using any kind of digital equipment. .

I shall be taking your advice and look at legal action. Just arriving yesterday to the meeting and asking for the toilet seemed a drama.



2015-07-23 09:50:00 UTC

Dude, it sounds like they know they're in the shit and trying to quickly cover their arses. They cannot prevent you from recording a meeting, just don't sign the contract that says otherwise. Take the others advice here and record/write down absolutely everything with dates and times no matter how irate you get. Once you start doing this in front of your employer he'll realise the gravity of your seriousness. If at all possible a witness in the meetings could be handy if they get snotty about the recording equipment (a solicitor would be even better). Unfortunately him cancelling the meeting is not much you can do about it right now. I would suggest you at least make the attempt to go to work each day and show your face around so that there are witnesses that you pitched up and attempted to fulfill your obligations.

I don't know the ins and outs of what you do, what was verbally agreed, or what brought this all on but even if you don't have a signed contract, it does not give you any less rights or your employer any more lee-way when it comes to a fair dismissal process that you are entitled to. You have been going to work there for two years. Any court would agree that that constitutes an agreement to work for payment between you and the employer. You have proof of salary/wages right? And have not been dodging income tax or NI?

If you want, you can tell me where this douche bag can be found and I'll legally and anonymously make his life a living hell for a while.



2015-07-23 10:14:00 UTC

nope i've had a wage put into my account every month for over two years.

he was going to dismiss me straight away until i raised the facts that i had been employed for two years. he said no only 1 i said you can look at my bank statements that says wages from the 25th may 2013.. part time still counts.

going to go back to work tuesday and play it by ear. if it goes tits up ill need the money for a solicitor. or find a no win no fee

i cant say where i work as this is an open forum if he was clever (i'm safe) he might look



2015-07-23 11:47:00 UTC

[quote="bruders8146"]nope i've had a wage put into my account every month for over two years.

he was going to dismiss me straight away until i raised the facts that i had been employed for two years. he said no only 1 i said you can look at my bank statements that says wages from the 25th may 2013.. part time still counts.

going to go back to work tuesday and play it by ear. if it goes tits up ill need the money for a solicitor. or find a no win no fee

i cant say where i work as this is an open forum if he was clever (i'm safe) he might look[/quote]
Any HR specialist will take this on. Just stay calm in the presence of your employer. He might not be bright enough to know his obligations or your rights. Constructive dismissal will be you compensation and prob drop him in the shit.

Just get some advice. If he is in the wrong he will end up paying your costs as wll.



2015-07-23 15:14:00 UTC

Take care of who you piss off.
You might be washing windows for the rest of your life for your income.

I would be looking for another job and putting distance between the guy you are not getting along with.
I would never trust working around some one that pissed at me.



2015-07-24 06:44:00 UTC

Post missing.

Seeker 77

Seeker 77

2015-07-24 10:34:00 UTC

Never had this while serving in the British army

I hate civvie street.