I see a rider commuting some times in the morning near the Montlake neighborhood. He/she is on a black SD (like mine) wearing a white helmet (like mine) and a grey Aerostich Roadcrafter (like mine!!!!)
Anyone know who this is? I figure that if we meet, we will either fight to the death (THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!) or we will become riding buddies. Hopefully the latter, because I'd like to compare the sound of my horrific cam chain noise to another SD.
2013-10-20 04:00:00 UTC
2013-10-20 04:41:00 UTC
It's your eviler twin!
2013-10-20 04:43:00 UTC
Post missing.
2013-10-20 12:31:00 UTC
Could be DeWallace,,,,,,,
2013-10-20 18:25:00 UTC
well if you can't find him and still want to compare cam chain noises I'm up in Mukilteo
2013-10-20 18:35:00 UTC
When I was on holiday at Seattle this July I spotted a black SD standing close to the entrance of the Underground tour, was that you TS?
2013-10-20 19:47:00 UTC
Thanks LoT, I may contact you about that if I get her put back together and the noise is still there. Previous owner who is a buddy of mine came over to listen. I wasn't sure if I was going crazy but then I saw his face when I started the bike. His eyes bugged out and he says "dude turn it off." Hoping it is something simple, bike only has 8k. How many miles on yours? What shop do you like for parts and what not? I hear mixed reviews about motoplex in Lynnwood.
2013-10-20 20:52:00 UTC
Post missing.