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Trying to get a test ride on a 1290 again, ctd blah, blah.



2015-03-21 22:36:00 UTC

So, I swing past P&H Motorcycles in Crawley this afternoon on the way back home and see they have actually, finally got a 1290 demonstrator sitting on their forecourt. This is the crap bike shop that is local to me and pertains to be a KTM dealer but knows nothing about them really. It sells Kawasakis Yamahas and Ducatis as well. They have consistently been a terrible place to go for as long as I've lived here but it's the nearest place and sometimes I have to go there for stuff. Last year I went in countless times to ask about the forthcoming 1290 and when they would get a demo bike in and was told a crock every time. They had my name down on numerous lists as someone interested in trying the bike with a view to purchase but never once rang me to let me know when they had stock or to follow up on all the enquiries I'd made.

But, being the sucker I am I want in again to see about booking a test ride on this bike. I know it's a Saturday but honestly I was there for fifteen minutes before I could get an idea of what I needed to do. All the spotty youths in the clothing dept. said I needed to talk to a salesman. When I asked them to point one out to me they couldn't see any except a few who were busy working through mounds of paperwork with guys buying bikes or insurance or houses or whatever. One guy who I politely asked didn't look up, just said, 'It's Saturday, there's a queue, you're at least three behind this guy".

One P&H shirted man was just sitting behind a desk with his feet up reading a paper and eating a sandwich. "Hello, I wonder if you could tell me how to book a ride on that 1290 out front?" "No mate, I just do the rider training bookings, you need to talk to sales". "But I just want to find someone who can tell me when I can have a go, how long the waiting list is etc?". "Mate, come back on a week day, there's a load of free sales guys then". "But I work in the week, I want to talk to someone now. Tell you what, if I put £13,000 cash down on your desk would you give me a test ride?" "No, mate, it doesn't work like that, we're in a super busy time right now, it's a boom and bust business this is, we're in a boom today and you'll just have to wait".

Eventually after half an hour I take a punt and go to the parts counter and wait for 10 minutes more to speak to someone who looks fairly sensible. "Any chance of a test ride date for the 1290?" "I can't do it from here as our computers don't link up to the sales team's. I can tell you it's free right now but I'm not authorised to do the paperwork, you need to talk to a sales guy". "But I've been here for 45 minutes now and haven't managed to talk to one yet". "Tell you what, leave your name and number and I will get one of our dedicated sales team to ring you later to discuss a convenient time for a test ride, how about that?"

"Sounds good, thanks, I'll wait for the call".

It's now 11pm and I never got that call.

They really do not deserve to ever sell a motorbike. But more sadly I am not nearer ever getting my leg over a 1290 to compare it to my 990.




2015-03-22 01:09:00 UTC

I really really hope some one from KTM reads this and sacks the whole lot!



2015-03-22 02:27:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-22 06:53:00 UTC

If you fancy a ride from West Sussex and want to test ride the 1290 give Crescents at Verwood a try they also have a Super Adventure 1290 demonstrator if you want to give that a go too, it may be 100 miles or so but there are some good roads between Crawley and Verwood. (I would still phone and book a slot beforehand).

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2015-03-22 07:50:00 UTC

I never want to give a Ktm dealer the benefit of doubt. But the weekend is never the right time to go into a dealership. Especially when you want to demo a bike. It's the day every one come in for anything and everything. Now maybe if your in some small town where it's a small dealer that doesn't keep much inventory and sales are slow due to the weather or time of year. Personally I don't know of a good dealership that is not slow. They all sit around all day doing very little. There's two way you can get a demo ride. One book it. The other is take your bike in for service. Then while you wait take one of the availible demo bikes out.

I never got a demo ride before I bought mine. And I bet 90% of us never got a one. Just buy one. You don't need the demo. The demo will be the ride home from the dealership. You won't be disappointed. It's a way better bike than the 990 was. Yes it's exspensive. But if your thinking about buying it then you can already afford it. The biggest decision will be deciding whether you want orange or black.



2015-03-22 08:59:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-22 09:05:00 UTC

Personally I’m glad I never had a test ride on the 1290 before purchasing it (December 2013) as I might not have got one, with my daily rider bike having +170bhp the initial impressions (first couple of months) for me were not a bike I would call “The Beast” a quality bike with good power but not the a “Beast”.

It was not until I had the Cat. SAS etc. removed new map added and suspension set up for my riding style that the bike came alive for me, not the impression a demo bike would have given me.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but from your previous posts on the 1290 I don’t think this test ride is a precursor to a purchase?



2015-03-22 09:06:00 UTC

The orange one hurt my eyes it was so bright.



2015-03-22 10:21:00 UTC

Few years back, when I was looking to buy brand new RC8 I went to KTM Tewkesbury dealer - not so good impression. I was there to spend over £10k and literally I couldn't find anyone keen to talk... I left after about 15 minutes swearing under my breath. Then I went to Redline Loughborough - those guys knows how to talk to the customer. Since then this is only dealer I talk to, friendly and helpful guys. Can test ride anything is parked outside, anytime. They kind of forced me to have a go on 1290 as I was there for something else that time.
I cannot understand, how you can run such a business and in the same time being so maimed with customer contacts? If you say "we will call" you MUST call, otherwise you potentially loosing a customer, who feels disregarded. It may be just employees don't give a f***, but still - I'm sure finding better ones is possible, Fortunately there are some dealers around to have a choice, but If not that's sucks, you stuck with muppets.



2015-03-22 11:06:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-22 11:06:00 UTC

I used to live in London and was a loyal fan of Bracken. They introduced me to KTMs and were always brilliant and their shop was a great place to hang out. They raced supermotos and ran the Superduke cup back in the day so knew their stuff. KTM in Hemmel always seem to be friendly and willing to spend time talking with me although I've never actually had my bike in there or bought anything from them. I hear good things about Redline and know they helped Viking out a lot during our racing adventures in Thundersport.

P&H really are one of those franchises that seem to be staffed with estate agents. One of the guys I tried to talk to at the cash register said there wasn't a 1290 available yet. I said there was one outside and he said, no I was wrong, there was only a 1190 and they weren't getting any 1290s until later in the year. Then I said OK, I want a test ride on that orange and white 1190 Superduke sitting in front of the window there.




2015-03-22 13:20:00 UTC

realise that I'm saying this with no knowledge of what kind of person that bic is face to face but I think that all of us can imagine that some customers will not get the time of the day from a business simply because the customer comes across as a flaming a-hole.



2015-03-22 13:32:00 UTC

Well mate. I'm not sure why I come across to you that way. Because I expect to get a bit of service from a retailer who wants my money? Or because I'm letting off steam on a forum to let people know what P&H are like to deal with? I'd always be the first to commend a person or company who offered a good service and likewise let people know what to avoid. It's what the forum is for IMO.

Also I posted it up in this way with a bit of humour behind the way I wrote it, more because it is really just a joke the way these places regard their customers and it's pretty funny if it wasn't so tragic.

Actually, I just got a load of messages come though on my phone and P&H have left a message apologising for the fact they didn't have time to talk and saying ring them back, they value my custom. So at least they did ring eventually and in fairness to this thread I've let everyone know that.

FFlash do you work at a similar crap bike shop by any chance? Maybe I struck a nerve?



2015-03-22 13:36:00 UTC

I Googled P&H Motorcycles in Crawley.
They are having KTM Orange Days 2015 on April 3rd to 6th and encourage booking a test ride.

That webpage has a link to book a test ride directly with KTM

Maybe I got the wrong P&H on the search result?



2015-03-22 14:26:00 UTC

What makes you think that the service and experience they promote on their website and the actual experience they deliver in reality is the same?

Do you believe all advertising represents the truth?

I'm here to tell you it doesn't.



2015-03-22 14:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-22 15:12:00 UTC

No mate, what is it with everyone on this site taking offence at everything that's written!

Glad you passed it along, I took a look and just thought that it didn't represent what I'd experienced. But anyway, I'm staying in Bristol that weekend because it's a long Easter weekend so I googled up another big KTM dealer there (Fowlers) and they are having an orange day there that weekend also. Their website directs me back to the KTM site where I booked a test ride in Bristol on a 1290 for that weekend. So job done! Thanks for the heads up.



2015-03-22 15:41:00 UTC

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2015-03-22 19:01:00 UTC

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2015-03-22 19:52:00 UTC

Just to get my leg over the damn machine!

I'll have to remember my fave routes from Bristol, maybe to Cheddar Gorge, down through Glastonbury and back? I think they only give you an hour and trying to get to Wales would see most of that on Motorways. I'm more keen to see what it's like on twisty A and B roads anyway. I know it will be fast on a motorway but so would anything. I once swapped my Ducati SS for a friends ZZR1100 for that run through Somerset. Phew that bike was fast in a straight line. I saw 180 mph just between two roundabouts.



2015-03-22 23:14:00 UTC

Hey Bic when I read your post it makes me sad mate.
Over the years I've dealt with shops just like this and these shops just don't deserve our business.
The shop I deal with is a family owned business they have 3 salesmen one is a employee the other two salesmen are the owners the spare parts girls are the daughters of one of the owners.
Now this shop gets busy at times but at least one of the salesmen will come and see if your being looked after if not they will at least try and acknowledge you.
If you lived over here in oz Bic you could go to this shop and get a ride no worries as they actually value their customers and treat you like a person not just a dollar sign.



2015-03-23 01:55:00 UTC

My philosophy is, you can run a business any way you want including into the ground. Sounds like they are off to a good start.



2015-03-23 09:43:00 UTC

I use P&H and have heard many bad things, but normally I've found them to be ok. I wrote off my first SD and the top KTM mechanic bought it off me and got it back on the road. At one time, 5 of their employees owned SD's and I only let a chap called Darren lose on my bike, and rate him. There used to be a service manager called "Will" who bent over backwards to help and a phone call was never a problem. Unfortunately they shit on him and he went, and it does seem to be going downhill since his demise. It's just over 30 miles from my house and is my closest dealer, so unless I have issues with them, I'll continue to use them.



2015-03-23 18:45:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-23 19:07:00 UTC

Quit all this whining - and just steal one already. Appears to be easy enough. If you put it back where you got it, what's the harm?

Seriously, are there really no forum members who have 1290s kind enough to allow Bic a go on theirs? It may not be as convenient as the nearest stealer, but maybe he'll fill your tank, buy breakfast, allow you a go on one of his bikes in exchange? Maybe he'll even get you laid.

I dunno about the rest of you, but whenever I get a new bike (or new to me, anyway), I allow those I know are unlikely to bin it (and are able to cover its cost), to have a spin if they want.



2015-03-23 19:37:00 UTC

Ah! A new use for this forum.

I CAN get you laid! Just PH me with your personal details, cock length, financial income, preferred first date venue, and I will see what I can do.

I have a lot of contacts.



2015-03-23 19:40:00 UTC

Also.... update.....

I am, because of on-going changing circumstances, going to be at home this Easter, not in Bristol, so will be ringing the P&M people to arrange a test ride on their 1290 over that weekend. I will keep this thread posted as to the outcome. Looking foreword to it!



2015-03-23 19:51:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-23 20:14:00 UTC


In the old days (late '70s and '80s) there was only one company in the UK doing bike insurance and that was the Norwich Union. Everyone used to get what was known as their "Rider Policy" and that effectively insured you for any motorcycle up to the capacity you insured against. What that effectively meant was that all of your mates could swap about bikes between themselves and be fully insured so it encouraged everyone letting each other have a go on friends bikes all the time. I don't know how I would have ever chosen a new bike to get if it wasn't for being able to try out all my mates bikes? Sunday runs were regularly a mixture of hooning about on other peoples bikes. I guess back then there was a lot more free spirit and sharing mentality. There was a sort of implicit agreement that if you binned your mates bike you would put it right.

In the modern era this habit seems to have diminished.

Me. I would let anyone ride my bike if i trusted them. First as a rider with the ability to have my bike under their control. Secondly if I thought they would do the right thing if they binned it. Simple.



2015-03-23 20:21:00 UTC

Bic you are welcome to have a go on mine if you can make it up to the West of Scotland.

You'll be pleased to know it has some mods but no rim tape



2015-03-23 21:48:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-24 10:07:00 UTC

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2015-03-24 10:57:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-03-24 15:20:00 UTC

Bic, stop your whinging. I one upped you a year ago. I booked a test ride on the 1290, showed up an hour early for check in, and was told by KTM USA corporate to fook off. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24104&p=299266&hilit=Test+ride#p299266 As the old saying goes, "the fish stinks from the head down."



2015-03-24 16:33:00 UTC

If you type Bassagent & crash into Google you get the 3 top hits



2015-03-24 19:34:00 UTC

Crotch. I remember your post back then. It crossed my mind as I was going through this recent adventure.

As it happens my plans have changed and I am now going to be in Surrey for the Easter break, (blame Amy and the kids for never fixed plans, I am but a pawn in the decisions as to my whereabouts), so I will be going back to P&H soon to see if I can be part of their "Orange days".

It will be an interesting experience I'm sure.