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Wheelies with TC on?



2014-08-30 09:22:00 UTC

Can anyone else wheelie or spin up the back wheel with TC on and in street mode?

I can power wheelie all day in street mode with TC on in first and second. There is a delay when the front comes up, it isn't as abrupt as without TC on but it does it every time. 2 foot off the deck and I can power through first gear anytime I want. I also spin up the rear constantly when getting on the gas hard in any gear. What I'm wondering is, is this normal and I'm just getting the hang of the bike now or is it because my bike is making extra power the TC isn't catching it like it did before? Because I swear I couldn't wheelie it in street mode before and in the wet it still works well so I know it's functioning.



2014-08-30 09:49:00 UTC

Do you have the akra map loaded?
I think it's that, mine lifts the front in street too with the akra map loaded.
Not much chance spinning the rear with the temperatures here, haven't tried that. It likes fuel too now compared to standard map.
Runs way rich will sort that out soon with a PCV.



2014-08-30 10:20:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-08-30 10:26:00 UTC

Mine is like that too. i have full akra with map. I struggle to power wheelie in first though,it just spins the rear and tc kicks in but in second it'll come up a foot of the ground.

As for the fuelling it does seem very rich. I have had a couple of experiences when opening full throttle in first it stopped then kicked in again at full throttle with a jump..If it was carbed perhaps like bogging with too much fuel.



2014-08-31 02:10:00 UTC

Thanks for the replies.

Yes I have the Akra tune update, thought it may have been that. Makes sense. My fueling is far too rich also. Didn't bother me when I lived out of town but now I live in the city I get 170kms to a tank or less. PCV is needed.