I connected a battery trickle charger harness etc and seem to have lost on chin spoiler panel bolt (and washer thing).
Can anyone direct to an easy link to buy replacements? - UK.
2013-11-16 13:27:00 UTC
2013-11-16 14:12:00 UTC
I've got a bunch of them spare. I can send over or bring with me when I return to the UK for Chrimbo.
2013-11-16 15:16:00 UTC
That would be magic thanks. I am going away for Xmas though in mid Dec.
I can send you e.g. some paypal money, even if just for postage/hassle. If still good, I can send you a note with my details nearer the time.
I can send you e.g. some paypal money, even if just for postage/hassle. If still good, I can send you a note with my details nearer the time.