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Winter woes



2018-02-02 20:41:00 UTC

Here's what riding g round the Surreys roads does for your bike! I can't keep up with the cleaning at the moment so this is how my SD gets put to bed every night

I can't attach a photo because the forum quota is full. Bummer



2018-02-02 22:18:00 UTC

Woe is me, I can ride my bike I the winter.
fook off Bick, it's 16C below zero here and illegal to ride without snow tyres



2018-02-02 23:23:00 UTC

I have my SD990 and my DL650 in my garage, clean & wrapped up in a tent outer shell, each with a 25W bulb under the sump to keep the damp away, and it's working too.

As it's winter I just have my DRZ400E to play on, and that is still moderately dirty even after the last clean..., but trail riding is a dirty business this time of year.