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A favour from the guys who have removed secondary flies



2011-05-26 15:01:00 UTC

I am just wondering if anyone who has removed the flies and shafts, have photos of how they have blocked them off, i have just recieved the blanking plugs that Klinck recomended and just wanted to see first before i butcher the ass out of my throttle boddies

cheers phil



2011-05-26 15:36:00 UTC

They just slide right in dude. Them staying in won't be an issue as the vacuum will hold them in place. (obviously they slide in from the outside with the flange against the outside of the throttle body) You will need to cut at least 2 but perhaps 3 down a bit as they are too long. A stanley knife goes through them no problem.



2011-05-26 15:46:00 UTC

As Klinck says, cut then down slightly then ive held mine in with black high temp silicone instant gasket!



2011-05-26 15:47:00 UTC

cheers buddies, well off work for 4 weeks so will give me something to do

then just turn off the 2nd on tune ecu

did you have to adjust much on your map when you did this btw



2011-05-26 17:16:00 UTC

Mine was running lean dead on 3K revs so needed a little adjustment.

Dont forget when you turn off the 2ndrys in TuneECU to save the map then upload it back into the ECU (i did the 1st time so I speak from experience abit of a DOH!!!! moment)



2011-11-02 01:42:00 UTC

When removing the complete secondary flies what do you do about the tps when you remove the controller?