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Choking sas valve



2011-08-31 12:29:00 UTC

I've been reading all mods on this subject, and I wanted to keep the bike standard.
So, I've used an 8mm bolt covered with teflon to prevent air flow to the sas valve.
First problem more explosions or running lean.
But I think I've created a bigger problem..
Has anyone done any similar mod?



2011-08-31 12:31:00 UTC

what is this bigger problem of which you speak?



2011-08-31 12:45:00 UTC

What I did before taking all that crap off was put a marble in the hose that goes from the air box to the sas valve worked great.
By doing it this way you can leave all the hoses connected.



2011-08-31 16:03:00 UTC

As I lifted the fuel tank I saw the sas hose connecting with both heads.
Choking the hose is the simplest thing to do.
But as I have seen, the crankcase breather gets air from the sas valve,
If you cover the sas valve you'll get blown oil seals.
I might have blown some...oil has dropped to min.



2011-08-31 21:52:00 UTC

The SAS valve main hose connects to the rear of the airbox on the top. The crankcase breather sits in the front top and is not connected to the SAS hoses in any way besides the fact that they both end up in the airbox. So I'm not sure how you blocked the breather by blocking the SAS hoses off????

I think your oil dropping to min is because you use motorex and till the SD is run in they use a bit of oil.



2011-08-31 22:04:00 UTC

Thanks for the info, i started to worry...
And oil consumption is not too bad. So i'll just enjoy!!