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Idiots Guide to TuneECU



2013-02-15 16:43:00 UTC

I need help!
Is there an idiots guide to tuneecu with pop up pictures



2013-02-15 18:20:00 UTC

i was in the same boat as you i just read up on it and did it one stage at a time i must admit i was pumping it but if i can do it im sure you can just take your time



2013-02-15 18:34:00 UTC

I have only recently started to twiddle with Tuneecu and have a go as makes more sense when its in front of you than when reading about it. Although do not adjust or change anything unless you are 100% sure.



2013-02-15 19:14:00 UTC

The way I learnt how to use it was by downloading and having a play with the software whilst not connected and reading the manual on the site, just to figure it all out. As long as you save the map currently fitted to the bike, then you're good to go 'cos you can always revert back to the current map.

As a piece of mind, I believe there has only been one person to brick the ECU, and I think they did it by "choice" as in pushing to see how far they could go... Someone else can clarify that though.



2013-02-15 19:28:00 UTC

It's all this thing about drivers you have to download, then make sure internet is off so it doesnt update coz you need to use an old driver or something.
I'll be honest. I totally fluked it by getting it to download and work. Once its downloaded and plugged into the bike its all dead simple. It was the downloading part that had me.



2013-02-15 19:40:00 UTC

Post missing.



2013-02-15 20:15:00 UTC

If you google TuneECu there pops up a YouTube video demo



2013-02-15 20:43:00 UTC

That drivers thing has never effected me. I'm running windows 7 and the 'net is always connected, so I'm guessing I've got the latest driver.... never had a problem with it.