2014-07-15 17:54:00 UTC
You may have seen in another post that my speedo has been going batty as of late. I took it apart to take a look and see if there is any moisture or corrosion. Got it off, but not sure how to get the needle off so I can get to the heart of it. Is there a trick to it? I tried pulling it up....but I'm afraid I'll somehow break it. Any help?
2014-07-15 18:09:00 UTC
Figured it out...
2014-07-15 20:52:00 UTC
So what's the secret?
2014-07-15 21:22:00 UTC
if i remember correctly you just pull it off. it may not feel like it wants to, but it will.
2014-07-16 19:58:00 UTC
Post missing.