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Rizoma Zero indicator broken - help?



2017-02-01 18:16:00 UTC

Anyone have any experience with Rizoma indicators?

They are LED and a sealed unit it seems. You can unscrew the metal part and pull off the clear acrylic bit but you can't get inside to the end of the wire where the lED bulb sits inside. I want to try and replace the LED because it will be far cheaper than buying a new indicator from Rizoma. Does anyone know if this is possible or have any experience with replacing LEDs?

Or anyone got a spare Rizoma Zero indicator?



2017-02-01 22:31:00 UTC

I'm pretty sure I have a set I can't use. You can have them if you're willing to pay postage.

I'll shoot you some pics when I get home in 4 hours.



2017-02-02 03:39:00 UTC

These are what I have:

I cut the connector off one of them because I wanted to do some experimenting but I don't have the little black box for them so I never got any further.

I can get a quote on postage if you want.



2017-02-02 06:46:00 UTC


Those are the same ones!

Let me know a cost for the postage and I'll pay a fair price for the units. Brilliant!

I have ten days to get them fixed and back for the MOT re-test at a reduced fee so if it is possible to get them here in time that would be great.

PM me with your bank details or if you have a Paypal account I can just use the associated email address and send you the funds.




2017-02-02 06:48:00 UTC

PS. Those black boxes (resistors) are a nightmare with Rizoma stuff. I think I ended up having to put two on each indicator to get them to flash at the right speed.



2017-02-02 15:09:00 UTC

I'll get a couple quotes today and I can ship them out first thing tomorrow for you.

Haha yeah those resistors are impossible to find now too. Apparently they've updated the design and the newer ones are completely different.



2017-02-02 16:10:00 UTC

Hey Bic, just out of curiosity can you post a pic to your almost taken apart indicator? I was looking at mine last night and wasn't seeing how you could go much further... Also I got a flasher relay/resistor from Motostrano that takes care of all 4 at one time, it's not listed on their site though, had to call. Their code is EE031H if that means anything. It replaces the relay behind the headlight.



2017-02-02 19:01:00 UTC


Send them fast service, I will reimburse you whatever it it (they are small and light so it shouldn't be too much in the big scheme of things)

I will still ride but technically illegally so want to get the bike MOTd as soon as I can.




2017-02-02 19:11:00 UTC

Bic can you PM me your details please.

I just put a random Bristol postal code in (BS3 4LA), for $60 they can be there Tuesday.



2017-02-02 23:35:00 UTC

Aaaaand that's what I love about this forum. Not that bashing fragile ego 1290 riders is not fun, but the help and camaraderie we have here is priceless.

Thanks Aphex. Thanks to all the guys that offer advice and sometimes do the research to help a newbie out (been there) and to all of those that participate and make this forum what it is. What it was really.

Wish KTMGuy was still around, SDNerd also, and some of the other very knowledgeable old timers.

That's why I volunteered to be a mod when they asked.

That's why I check the forum multiple times a day and try to collaborate when I can.

Ride safe,



2017-02-03 07:41:00 UTC

You can see that the clear acrylic part pulls off easily when you remove the countersunk screw but the wires go into the back via a rectangular plug which I think is glued permanently in place. It may clip in but there're no obvious place to release the clip so it looks like it was meant to go in and not come out. Now I'm getting a new one I can have a go but I think I will end up permanently damaging the part as I try to remove the plug. I was going to try drilling a hole and screwing in a bolt so I can just try pulling first.



2017-02-03 07:46:00 UTC


Sorry I thought I'd sent you details yesterday, I think my internet connection was playing up and it never sent. I've PMd you again.

Let me know how to get payment over to you. (Paypal?)



2017-02-03 15:02:00 UTC

You're fine Bic, I had posted that just 10 minutes before you sent them



2017-02-03 15:06:00 UTC

Post missing.



2017-02-03 15:39:00 UTC

Interesting, thanks for the pics. It sure looks like the bulb is glued in there... I guess one could say that it makes for a more reliable installation as a replaceable one could loosen/vibrate more. I was wondering when shopping for Rizoma stuff earlier why I wasn't seeing replacement bulbs, thanks for clearing that up. I can't think of a better way to pull the glued in bit, maybe pick or pointy blade... at least the patient doesn't have to survive the surgery!



2017-02-03 20:42:00 UTC

Trying to lever out the plug with a plate or screwdriver is definitely going to end up with a damaged outer moulding. It will either crack or shatter, the material is too brittle.

I may just try drilling out the plug and making a new one because you wouldn't be able to see it when the unit was reassembled. I just need to find out if I can buy a new LED from somewhere like RS to solder onto the wires and see if it works again. It's worth it because they are so expensive new, I think getting on for £45.00 each.



2017-02-06 13:38:00 UTC


Received the indicators this morning! That was fast! Thanks mate.



2017-02-06 15:53:00 UTC

Hell of a deal! That was faster than I anticipated as well.



2017-02-09 12:50:00 UTC

Rewired the whole indicator loom at the back, under the seat.

Fitted the indicators. Only one flashed. Started playing about with the 4 units I now have. Turns out that one of my old ones works and one of Apex's works. The other two don't. I don't understand why but by now I don't care as long as I have two legally flashing indicators!

Everything now working as it should again.

MOT passed this morning.



2017-02-09 15:23:00 UTC

Sorry to hear only one worked Bic, was it the one without a connector?

Either way glad you were able to get legal.



2017-02-10 00:19:00 UTC

Not sure mate. In the complex situation of getting everything working I totally lost track of any particular indicator and concentrated on just getting one pair flashing! By the time I'd finished I completely lost track of which ones had actually ended up on the bike.