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Thermostat switch



2014-02-15 08:04:00 UTC

I have allready used the search feature but i can say that i am much more confused than before...
For that i have understood:
Stock Ktm fan switch is a 102-98 celcius.
There is a Suzuki fan switch (burgman,baleno) that is a 95-90.
There is another one that is 88 or lower.

Please show me the light.
I would prefer something like 90 (fan on) 85 (fan off) celcius.
How low can i go avoiding a situation where the engine could not warm in cold enviroments?

Thank you all in advance.



2014-02-15 08:14:00 UTC

My bet that a soon as it is daylight in Belgium Bert will be on with an answer bless him...



2014-02-15 10:51:00 UTC