This is a static archive scraped from the now-closed forum. If this archive has helped you at all and you fancy buying me a pint to say thanks, you can do so at

CVR with TrackDaz [Friday, April 20th, 2012]



2012-01-26 20:39:00 UTC

Calling all SoCal SDers - experienced and newb track riders both!

OK - didn't think I'd be able to do this one, but the calender has been cleared for the day (for now).

Been some rumblings about doing this date. As fast as TrackDaz dates have been selling out (depending on group, up to 2 months in advance) I thought it a good time to get this rolling. Snooze, you lose.

Spoke with Ed Sorbo today as well (Lindemann Engineering Suspension and EdVenture Racing). He is committed to joining us at CVR on that date. Like last November, he'll be there to provide suspension tuning/setups as well as on-track lead-following coaching for anyone interested.

Hope to see as many of you as possible out that day! I'm thinking (out loud, as usual), that maybe we should do trackside BBQ for lunch that day - thoughts?



2012-01-26 20:50:00 UTC

I, and 3 friends, aer in for April 20th but out for Sorbo's assistance.



2012-01-26 21:31:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-01-27 03:22:00 UTC

Yep, we've all signed up for B group.



2012-01-29 11:04:00 UTC

I'll be there already paid and bringing a friend.I will leave thurs so bbq sounds good. Ed helped me last time I hope he can help me with the RC8.
I will park where we did last time it was a good spot,It would be nice to have a nice pit like last time it was great we all helped each other.
hoping Mike and Ken can make it plus some good guys I met from the forum that I rode with to the rock store when I had my RC8 with no rear brakes
They have some nice dukes I think they are going.If they do it should be a blast. Mike omky and kawikiller we will have the go pro's out and I got my bro the new one.I am still trying to figure out where to mount mine on my RC8 .The duke was easy.
Who else is going?I know John and his bro's Jim, Me and a friend kawikiller and mike omky I hope. What about the crotch Mike and Ken.I think Ken did a school have not talked to him if he did it. I want to see how much it helped I been thinking of doing a refresh been so long Code was my teacher now thats a long time ago. I really want to get back into this.Hope we can get a bunch of us .plus you guys who don't know Ed he is great dialed in my susp so it worked pretty good.If I can get the RC8 dialed in like that I will be a happy camper.I will bring my duke as well.Should be fun guys sign up earley Nerd is right I waited and March is sold out.I wanted March and April.



2012-02-07 18:29:00 UTC

19 places left for B group and 22 for C. ... d=ZNhdpyxn



2012-02-07 19:10:00 UTC

Kowekiller and I should be there..
Still getting things together for April..
I will be up for all the help I can get...!!!



2012-02-07 19:35:00 UTC

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2012-02-07 20:32:00 UTC

Yep, buddies and I will be there around 5:00ish.

OMKY - Sign up for C group, they've got a little instruction class cor newbs that'll be really helpful. If you prove to be too quick they'll bump you to B.



2012-02-07 20:42:00 UTC

BTW gents, I just learned that WSMC is no longer for now ...

Why do we care WRT this thread? Because this date will sell out even faster. A lot of those folks (not already racing at CVR), are going to do more CVMA weekends. As a result, the Friday dates are going to sell sooner.

If you've been thinking about it - don't wait to get signed up.



2012-02-08 03:11:00 UTC

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2012-02-08 04:59:00 UTC

Hello Guys!

I didn't do the class, I ended up working and 1 day sold out so I skipped it. I really wanted to take it so I could beat DukeofWrath once and for all! I haven't been riding much, more bicycle and working.

That said, I had Ed fit a new rear spring and he changed my front springs, bike feels amazing, more planted. I need to post some pics and praise him. He worked with me at the track CVR (worth it) and then spent a lot of time fitting the new springs front and back. The bike doesn't dive as much when I hit the front brakes and the rear is firm but active, if that makes sense.

If you are on the fence about CVR, DO IT. The guys are great with only 1 tool in the bunch....hahaha kidding. Seriously it was my first track experience and I totally recommended it. You aren't going 120mph, you won't crash (I hope) and as long as you PAY ATTENTION to the FLAG MARSHALS you will have a fun time.

Oh, and pay attention to the flag marshals!!!

I hope to see you all, at this moment I am 50/50%





2012-02-08 06:19:00 UTC

Im in B gents! B gental....get it?



2012-02-08 14:10:00 UTC

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2012-02-08 19:38:00 UTC

Ok...Just got my spot and put in for the time off work...
Tryin' not to think about it at the moment...(Nerves)
I'm excited as Hell though..!!!
I'm in group C...
See y'all there..!!



2012-02-08 19:55:00 UTC

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2012-02-09 05:52:00 UTC

Crotchrockety ... Are you going?



2012-02-09 17:09:00 UTC

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2012-02-09 17:28:00 UTC

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2012-02-09 17:37:00 UTC

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2012-02-09 19:18:00 UTC

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2012-02-10 03:07:00 UTC

Last time It was a race weekend and i was surprized how many sandbaggers were in group c .Some of the guys were racers with numbers and passed on the inside I got that on film.Which we know is a no no. He was so close I could have turned off his bike.

They had a bunch of guys that I thought should have been in b one guy was so fast i think could have been in A group.
I did C this time cause it's the first on the RC8 and my friends first time and I want to ride with him. He is fast so it should be fun.

I don't go crazy fast in the straights but I love to go for it in the turns.If I was riding my duke I would do B now that I know what I know.First time on the RC8 I did C so some of my bro's can ride it if they want to when they are in b group.

This time I am really going to see what I can do.Hell why not. Lance I love my duke on that track and I am afriaid that I will want to ride it.Intead of the RC8.Right now I think I am faster on the duke than the RC8.So it's tempting to want to ride that bike.

I have invested a bunch of money in the RC8 and feel I need to commit my self to that bike.So I can see if I want to keep it.I rode it today and had a blast.Trust me the tought of riding a sportbike 3-4 years ago was a impossible wish.

Now since I have new parts in my back.Anything is possible.I will try to bring the duke I think I can get all the bikes in the trailer.
Plus the thought of doing a few laps on it sounds like fun.It is running great and I would like to dice with Ken .

Next time I am going to do B so I can ride with some of you guys.I just have to pick up my game a little harder which is good for me.
See you in April.



2012-02-14 23:38:00 UTC

Only 4 places left in class B for April 20th gents...
14 for class c and class A is wide open with 21 spots available



2012-02-14 23:41:00 UTC

Will you get to work Mike! Getting excited yet?



2012-02-14 23:46:00 UTC

I loaded my golf ball cannon(muffler) just in case I pass John or Nerd. Lol. Should be good . Have we decided what and who is BBQing?



2012-02-15 00:01:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 00:14:00 UTC

Anyone want to car pool with me? If so, we could perhaps cut down on the amount of crap we have to bring and heap the trailer full.

I have a pretty decent size charcoal grill - the one we used in November. I also have a Coleman stove, table and lantern. I also have a couple of pop ups. It should be fun.



2012-02-15 00:17:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 00:23:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 00:28:00 UTC

I could tell you all where to find a set of Power One Competition tyres 120/180 A/A for $299, but then, I'd have to kill ya.

I don't think you could get three bikes in my trailer. If one was a dirt bike maybe, but not three street bikes.



2012-02-15 00:32:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 00:33:00 UTC

I'll try to join, but schedule may not permit. If any of you local guys want to use my NoMar tyre Changer in prep for the day, hit me up.



2012-02-15 03:16:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 06:42:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 09:37:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 22:39:00 UTC

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2012-02-15 22:42:00 UTC

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2012-02-16 01:09:00 UTC

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2012-02-16 01:13:00 UTC

Our last ride together, okmy throttled up so fast that he spun his tyres on the rims. So we glued the bead down with Gorilla glue. Lol



2012-02-16 01:14:00 UTC

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2012-02-22 22:09:00 UTC

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2012-02-22 22:29:00 UTC

Kids and typing don't mix!!



2012-02-23 06:06:00 UTC

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2012-04-03 23:47:00 UTC

Sooo...who all is going to Chuckwalla???...I know myself..Kowekiller, SDNerd, Lawrence, Duke of Wrath and wondering if Crotchrockety will make it with his new ride.when he gets it..!!!! He's been quiet...
I'm looking forward to the 20th..!!!!!
See y'all there..!!!!



2012-04-04 03:41:00 UTC

Crickets !! Everyone's still signed up.... Right?



2012-04-04 04:47:00 UTC

I gotta get some miles on my bike and get the limiter removed, but I'm still planning on making it.



2012-04-04 04:53:00 UTC

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2012-04-04 05:33:00 UTC

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2012-04-04 05:50:00 UTC

Oh man!! Did you buy that bike? I woulda went with that Mv. Well not all of us can have beautiful bikes. Hehe



2012-04-04 09:59:00 UTC

Hey which way we going counter clock or normal. I hope we go the same way we did in Nov I liked it .
I'll be there Thurs I will bring a bunch of stuff to eat so we can all pitch In.
I just need COFFEE in the morning I'll bring a stove top If some one has the fire.

So some one is bringing the BBQ? I will have dogs and buns and burgers and chips.
Ken You have to go I'm sure you will get on. call them asap quit fooking around I wanted to show you the rearend of my RC8R lol
I will only have my new RC8R I think my duke is sold.

Now that I have been riding it so much I can't get off of it.After all it is a KTM But who cares as long as we all have a great time and ride safe.
I only need 100 more miles and i can get the 600 mile service then I can get into the powerband I can't wait.
That bike is so fast everytime I ride it it seems to get faster.I am so glad I bought it.It wiil have black rims like the 2012 Very little change between the 2011 and the 12.I saved a ton I think I got the best price I could 14,300 plus tax and fees way cheap .
The 12's are 16,999 plus fees.

All I want is a pipe.I wish I knew if I should change gearing seems to run fast.I guess I wiil just go stock and see.The bike is way faster than me but that's good i will get there again.

WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST GUYS. I got 2 go pro's and my bro has his so we will make a cool video of the everybody smile



2012-04-04 18:27:00 UTC

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2012-04-04 20:40:00 UTC

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2012-04-04 23:43:00 UTC

Well, it turns out some don't know what I bought, so here she is:




I don't know about the EPA thing, but it makes some sense to me. I'm a lazy fooker. Send me the CFR cite and I'll be able to tell if what I heard was possible.

But, I do know that Kawi had to limit the power on its bike to pass the EPA's noise test. I also know those Germans aren't dumb dudes. They know the stink they'd raise if they said their bike put out over 200 bhp, so it makes 193 - my ass. What bike only loses 13 hp from the crank to the rear wheel through a chain drive? Only the BMW? Nah. BMW has a long history of underrating its machines.

In any event, I had her out today for the first putt since I bought it. The suspension is not set up for me, but the steering is still phenomenal. It still has the same handling characteristics. It requires very little lean angle to ride mach schnell. Its going to take some time before I can do 400 mile days again, but I'm pretty excited.

Oh, and on that sucks note, I just realised that I have a hearing in San Diego on the 19th, so its doubtful that I can make Chucky on the 20th.



2012-04-05 00:34:00 UTC

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2012-04-05 00:54:00 UTC

Well, the rest of the story was that when BMW takes the limiter off, the vehicle is no longer a "new product" and hence the DOT standards no longer apply. If you look at the reg you cited, it does specify that it applies to "new product." A new product is defined:

"(15) New product means (i) a product the equitable or legal title of which has never been transferred to an ultimate purchaser, or (ii) a product which is imported or offered for importation into the United States and which is manufactured after the effective date of a regulation under section 6 or 8 which would have been applicable to such product had it been manufactured in the United States." Section 205.2 (15)

I told you those Germans are a smart bunch. FWIW, I always suspected that the first Kawi recall was a result of some unrestricted bikes being released here. But, aside from getting a knowing look at the Long Beach show followed by some BS company line explanation, I could never confirm this.

As for the cost of the first service, I was told by the dealer it was trivial. I really didn't ask how much it was.

I'm going to try to make Chucky. If there is a way, I'll be there.



2012-04-05 01:05:00 UTC

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2012-04-05 01:45:00 UTC

Jim I don't care which way we go. I just liked the the way we did it cause I know it,
It would would be cool to do the the other way too.
I got 675 miles on the bike so thurs it gets it's 600 mile service.Then I can do 10,000 rpm fresh oil gonna be cool can't wait to feel the power. and have my new tyres ,Just don't like those dunlaps they feel good at speed just weird when leaned over I want my cora's roso's on my forged wheels.
I feel safe with those tyres. Damn that bike hauls ass.Your gonna love it Jim.It's just too quiet! I want my pipe!



2012-04-05 15:59:00 UTC

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2012-04-08 19:59:00 UTC

well I got it back .I changed out the the rad. fluid to the wet wetter all I have to do now is remove the mirrors and the tail section, and install the new wheels and it's ready. I think wed. I rode it took it too 10g's it crazy fast Jim .What do yo you think of stock gearing? Should I change out the counter shaft like i did on my 2010? this bike does feel like it's ok. Much better than the 10 I have the 1 less tooth counter shaft sprockit I just don't know.
Any thoughts?



2012-04-09 01:28:00 UTC

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2012-04-09 18:37:00 UTC

Easy, have someone bring and tech your bike. By the time you get up the hilll the first sessions will be starting.



2012-04-10 20:58:00 UTC

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2012-04-10 21:36:00 UTC

Ok, so I spoke to Dustin today. I gave up my spot. In return, he's agreed to credit me for another date. So, we'll have to figure out a new CVR rendezvous date. At this point, I suspect it probably won't be until Fall.

In the mean time, SDNerd has proposed we ride ACS on the 28th. I'm going to do that. I should really be able to uncork the BMW on that track. If anyone else is up for that, let me know. (It would be a great track for the RC8R Vic. Its super fast. )



2012-04-10 22:11:00 UTC


I can't go



2012-04-10 22:22:00 UTC

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2012-04-10 22:26:00 UTC

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2012-04-14 05:50:00 UTC

You guys all ready? I'm fn stoked to try my bike on the track and have some fun with some good guys and eat some BBQ ! Should be a lot of good shit talking and jokes. What do we need to bring for the BBQ ?



2012-04-14 17:58:00 UTC

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2012-04-14 20:50:00 UTC

We're bringing a small grill but it's not for lunch, it's for Thursday and Friday night. Looks like there will be a few of us so bring what you want...maybe an extra grill wouldn't hurt. I see a small feast forming here...can't wait!



2012-04-14 21:10:00 UTC

You guys can borrow my grill and Coleman lantern if you want. Just give me a holler. I'm still bummed I won't be there, but am booked for ASC on the 28th.



2012-04-16 13:46:00 UTC

Alright I will bring another grill. Vic started all this and has yet to reply John.. Heard you mention you guys are out there Friday night also?



2012-04-16 13:52:00 UTC

On another note is there anything that is mandatory that we need to make sure we have for track day. Protection? Bike related? Sorry 1st trackday and don't quite know the rules yet



2012-04-16 15:04:00 UTC


First, you are in good hands with the SDnet guys.

There are various track day FAQs and lists of what you need but here are some stand outs from my day.

Food, snacks, healthy. You are what you eat.

Drink a lot of water durning the day and the night before. Beer later if you like.

Blue paper tape from home depot to take up lights, blinkers and tail lights.

They can show you which fuze to pull to disable headlight.

tyre pressure guage.

BRING GAS for the bike!!!!!

Check your fluids, brake, clutch, OIL, antifreeze.

Track folks like water wetter as it is easier to clean up. I ran antifreeze and you are ok to do that.

Clean and check your chain and check your tyres for nails. Look the bike over for leaks.

Bring a cloth and glass cleaner for the face shield. Your shield gets dirty and I mooched the whole time cleaning mine with someone else's cloth and cleaner---- LAME-----

I wore a full suit, back and chest protector, boots and gloves. You need a full kit to do a track day.

Baby wipes are nice. I am not sure if you are camping or getting a hotel but they come in handy.

You will be 'stressed' or at least concentrating the WHOLE time and you need to be rested, feed and HYDRATED to be at your best. I had a great time but it was a bit overwhelming at times.

You will take some time to learn the track and the corners but if I can give you one piece of advice............

WATCH THE CORNER WORKERS and the FLAGS. You really need to PAY attention to EVERY corner worker the WHOLE time you are on the track. I didn't and looked like an ASS in my 1st session and was black flagged.

Have a blast and I can't think of a better group of helpful fun guys.





2012-04-16 16:16:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-04-16 16:42:00 UTC

Sorry guys I have been a little busy,The duke is gone!!My RC8R is dialed in.Got the black wheels on it and it looks like Darth Vader.
I will bring hot dogs buns and hambuger meat and buns.
My Bro said he can bring something so I can make some coffee.I will suck with out it.
As far as stuff I think Ken said it all.Last time they were pretty easy We can help anyone tape up the bikes. Just bring the right gear I think a back protector is needed even tho no one checked.

No worries guys we are a gonna have a great time It's all about having fun and being safe.Bring lights It's fooking dark out there.
I hear weather should be good maybe hot.I will bring my cold vests just in case.I got a easy up for shade.
I think it will turn out just fine.To some of you that are bringing a trialer bring gas for you truck.It was only 130 miles for me and I could not make it home.I had to pray for a gas station and pay way too much. so I am bringing gas for my truck so I can make it home.
bring water and anything you want to eat cause their nothing out there.Get the go pro's charged up we have to get this on film like last time.
I am bummed that some of you guys can't make it but there will be other times.I can't do the 28th no vacation time left.I have to wait till Nov now to get my next years days.This will be my last vacation day.
I am ready They gave me the day off today cause it;s slow so I will try to get a shit load of stuff done.
I am down to 2 bikes a month ago I had 6 So I got my HD and the 2011 RC8R I love that bike thats all I can say It's is so bad ass and for me comfy as hell.
John The rearsets make all the differance without them I would be eating pain pills like candy.
I think you will like it.If you ride it you need to feed it I only have 2 gas cans 1 for the truck 1 for the bike and of course it just like KTM you wad it and it's
See you out there. I hope Ed is comming I need some help on the susp as normal I have no clue.



2012-04-16 17:52:00 UTC

Ed Sorbo (Lindemann Engineering) is planning to be at CVR this Friday.

He asked that I let you all know that he will be getting there Thursday, and is planning to secure a spot about where he was last time, and to look for him. That worked out great as we were kind of clotted together. For those of you that would like to take advantage of his services, I'll assume it obvious that setting up camp near his rig is in the best interests of all.



2012-04-17 00:53:00 UTC

I ordered OKMY756 and me some back protectors as we didnt have any from bike bandit on Sunday. I sure hope they come in by the time we leave on Thursday. Do they check? Bikes are all preped and ready to go. Pray I dont crash as my bike as it has Evans Powersports coolant (Glycol base) and for $60 for the fluid change, it aint comin out. Mike got tape today for us and some other small things . Scrubed in my tyres and brakes over the weekend and installed some new goodies that came in the mail(like Christmas).



2012-04-17 01:19:00 UTC

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2012-04-17 01:54:00 UTC

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2012-04-17 01:56:00 UTC

Just checked the weather....fook, it's gonna be hot! 95F.



2012-04-17 03:30:00 UTC

That is going to be hot. 120 in the suit! As far as an angry mob...well I would like to see someone try! Im there for a good time. Fook them and their mob.



2012-04-17 06:18:00 UTC

I have a couple of back protectors (three actually) if you need them. One Joe Rocket, aka, original Forcefield. One Forcefield 4 (the highest rated protector available) and one Dainese (the most comfortable one and my personal favorite). Just drop me a line.

My R&G stuff showed up today, frame, handlebar and axle sliders, mirror and passenger peg block offs and oil cooler / radiator protectors. The bike is going in for its first service this week, so I should be good to go next Sat.

Have fun. If I can talk my wife into a detour, I'll pop by the track after court.



2012-04-17 19:56:00 UTC

May not be staying Friday night after all.....won't know until I get out there.



2012-04-17 21:25:00 UTC

May have an extra ticket for Chuckwalla B group. If interested let me know ASAP!



2012-04-18 00:34:00 UTC

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2012-04-18 01:18:00 UTC

I'm going...a buddy may not be. If anyone is interested I'll know by noonish tomorrow.



2012-04-18 01:39:00 UTC

He I just posted a big letter then it does not come up.It said it was.
This has happened so many times. WTF.
One more time I will bring Food for Friday
Also I will bring info on all the stuff I am doing.I have some free stuff for you guys.
I have picked up techspec so I will have info for all you guys They make great stuff.
I may become a Sato Racing dealer so I can save you money
Next I will bring the Techniche-intl stuff products that keep you cool.
As i said before I need your support and in turn I will save you money.

We are a family and I want to help my brothers out.I sell to dealers so I make money.
anyway I hope this one goes thru. I will be at the same spot near John and SD nerd at Ed Sorbo.
Come buy and see me and I'll get you all the info.

Drive safe see you all thurs.



2012-04-18 03:09:00 UTC

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2012-04-18 14:05:00 UTC

I use Tech Spec on all my dirt bikes...will not ride without it. Good durable stuff.



2012-04-18 15:24:00 UTC

Vic, you sell ? Of all the tank grip products, I think that's the best one.



2012-04-18 16:42:00 UTC

I will try to bring some Techniche stuff for people of it gets too hot.I will have mine for sure.This product helps keep your core temp down. This helps from getting over heated. I don't know what I have left I have sold a bunch of it.But if fits you guys come by and see it I can get it to you for a great price.It's all new never used.For me This is not hot where I live it's already 90+

Summer temps get 120+ but like Jim said it's a dry heat!. I have one of the new ones that have cold packs that you freeze it keeps your core at 58 degrees.I hope I can get it under my suit.If I can I will be one happy camper.They work so damn good I took a break from the gym to lose some size so I hope I got the room.I really want to use with my 1 piece.
make sure you guys drink plenty of water the day before.My sister is a doctor You have to have the water in you a day before to be hydrated.Once your lips start to chap or flake it real tough to get it back.

If it does get hot those suits will suck the sweat out of you faster than you can put it back in.
That water not beer lol
I can't wait guys gonna be a hoot!
See ya there



2012-04-19 01:03:00 UTC

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2012-04-19 15:34:00 UTC

Ok guys I went to the store I got hot dogs and hamberger meat buns some one better bring a bbq or we are screwed.
I am leaving about 1pm should be ther 3-4
everyone drive safe it's party time tonight!! I am so pumped can't wait to see what the RC8R can do.
I just want to have some fun and see if i can ride that beast.Even without a pipe It's so fast.
Hope I can get the susp dialed in I have not changed a thing so hope Ed know whats up cause I sure don't
C -Ya soon



2012-04-19 19:23:00 UTC

For you guys heading out there this evening, Ed said he should be arriving at about 8 PM.

Guess will have to bring stuff for a potluck bbq and not - if no grills - lol.



2012-04-19 20:54:00 UTC

Just about ready to head out..
We will stop at WallyWorld and pick up
a cheap bbq and charcoal..



2012-04-19 21:08:00 UTC

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2012-04-19 23:07:00 UTC

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2012-04-22 00:10:00 UTC

Another fantastic day of tearing up Chuckwalla (even if a little hot). Good to see the strong contingent of SDs out there!



2012-04-22 00:19:00 UTC

Ya it was beside the little problems I had out there with the bike. It was still a blast!



2012-04-22 04:07:00 UTC

I'm sure the next one will go a little smoother for you. Just forget those 5 year old Contis and get yourself some fresh Q2s....I think you will agree they are all that's needed to allow the SD to give the Jap litre bikes all they can handle (even with their DOT race tyres).

I'm still amazed that they will take the abuse that I was subjecting them to and still stick like glue for 20+ minute sessions with temps exceeding 100 degrees F.

I checked my tyre temps when I finished one of the quicker afternoon sessions...

RH side - 181F
Center - 149F
LH Side - 174F

That's some serious heat and the tyres dealt with it no worries!

Till next time!



2012-04-22 12:30:00 UTC

What a day.It was great to see everyone.The ones that got their early got eat some great food.The laggers had to wait.
As always everyone was cool no ego crap.We all helped each other.I had my new RC8R .Ok it's not a duke but it's a bad ass bike.The motor is just the most amazing.You can go as fast as your balls will take you.

I got it new and am still learning how to use the computer.I wish I could have all the laps on it. I had one that got up to 128 mph pretty fast for there.I came into a turn hot and grabed s hand full of brakes and the rear wheel came up so I down shiffed and made the turn.All I know is the RC8R is the fasted bike I have ever had .First bike that I think does not need a pipe.It's that fast.I have one so when I get done it will be crazy fast.
I goy 128 mph on one straight it was cool.I will try to post some pics and my go pro video
so stay tuned



2012-04-23 19:05:00 UTC

To add to what SDNerd wrote, I received an e-mail from Fastrack Riders today pointing out that it will be sunny with a high of 80 at the track on Sat. In other words, it will be a perfect day for the track and there are still spots available.

I have my bike pretty well sorted. Here she is in all her glory:


Rev limited turned off. Hotbodies Racing Screen, Austin Racing CF GP slip on, BMW (Gilles) rearsets, Helibars, oil cooler guard, rear passenger pegs eliminated, and front sliders installed. I still have to install the frame sliders and radiator guard, and get the suspension set up, then I'm done.

I've experienced the anti-wheelie function a couple of times. The front came up and was back down before I could even react. I've taken her to full power a few of times, and she definitely takes off like a scalded cat. It should be big fun on the track. The Helibars and rear sets made it pretty comfy. I logged about 400 miles this weekend. While I was pretty wiped out last night, I feel OK today.



2012-04-23 19:36:00 UTC

Crockety, that bike looks amazing.

Not that I want to face loosing life and limb shoot track day photos in 100+ degree heat but...........

I wish the exposure was a bit lighter......



2012-04-23 20:30:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 20:34:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 20:36:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 20:50:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 20:58:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 21:07:00 UTC

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2012-04-23 21:19:00 UTC

Wow I just found out.The guy that bought my old RC8 crashed it .It's totaled he is not dead but broken.
I feel bad for him He is a nice guy. I told his wife to try to buy the bike back and part it out.The stacks I'm sure some one will want. I have not seen the bike I asked them to send me pics don't know about the wheels.I know there are a few things I could use.The seat I wold love to have two so I can send one out to have some padding installed that stock seat is like a rock.

What a bummer he had it less than a month.