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FL Track Day, Jennings GP 3/20/17



2017-02-16 21:03:00 UTC

FL SuperDukers,

CessnaTPA on his 1290 and Multistrada 1200 and myself on my 990R are going to do this track day on Monday, March 20th.

One of the cool things about it, is that its limited to only 30 riders and you get to get on/off the track as many times as you wish. No novice, intermediate or expert sessions.

Breakfast, drinks, power bars and lunch provided. As well as suspension set up and adjustments if needed and mechanics on site. Your bike could also be taken in their trailer, if you leave it at their shop and pay a fee.

If interested let me know and I'll give you a phone number to call. Only $195 and space is limited. (I sound like a TV ad)

It's being organized by Euro Cycles of Tampa.

PS: I just noticed this is my post #990. I think I'll stop and never post again.



2017-02-23 15:43:00 UTC

"Operators are standing by. Call now to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity"

LOL. I wish I could join in. Gab Figueroa told me that EuroCycles track days are the Mack Daddy and keeps telling me to make it to one. Have a blast!



2017-03-21 01:30:00 UTC

That was fun. Home safe and unscathed.
Report to follow in the next couple of days.



2017-03-21 14:32:00 UTC

my friend steve was there last weekend for the reverse direction day and won a helicopter flight to Tallahassee...

he's fine just got knocked out, he thinks he low sided in the kink on the back straight and took a tumble.

I will get down there sometime this year I'm sure. It's been a while since I was at Jennings but should be fun on the 1290.

Looking forward to the report- good to see you a few weeks ago in Two Wheels of Suches.



2017-03-21 18:43:00 UTC

So, Sunday morning, I picked Mark up, met with Mike on a rest area on the side of the road, and as we are chatting and looking at the track prepping each of us did to their bikes I told Mike as a joke his rear was mounted backwards. And it actually was. Well, that pissed him off. He had had the tyres professionally mounted and was not thrilled. Once at the track, we were able to remove the wheel, have the tyre mounted properly for only $15. So no big deal.

Ready to rock n roll.

The track day is very well organized. There is no Novice, Intermediate and Advanced sessions, so you can get on the track when you want and as much as you want. It was a cool morning when we got there (42F, 5Celsious) but it warmed up to the mid 70's by lunch time (24C). I started riding around 10 as the track opened at 9 and I did not want to risk cold tyres on a cold track.


I could feel the front end getting very light coming out of corners, I was not trying to break a lap record and I got passed by a few fast guys; it does not hurt my ego whatsoever. On the front straight during hard breaking before turn 1 I could feel my rear getting very loose and fishtail some, but never did I feel out of control or had 'one of those moments'

We went on/off the track a few times as Tony changed from his SD 1290 to his Multistrada back and forth. I believe he has more confidence with his Ducati than with the SD. We passed each other back and forth when he was on the Multi, and when he rode the SD he said he could not catch up to me on my lowly 990. Now on the Multi, like I said, he passed me a few times and so did I.

I had some electrical gremlins with my SDR that I'm going to figure out, my speedo went blank, then the RPM gauge would shut off, speedo was indicating speeds as the bike was idling in the paddock and it showed the famous Soft 32 Dat 101 so I'll figure it out one of these days.

Now for some more pics:

Myself in the middle of Turn 1 I believe. Taken with a cell phone so the quality is not great. Apologies.

My buddy Mark on the left, myself in the center and Mike on the Right.

CessnaTPA (Aka Tony) on his SDR 1290, Turn 1

Tony's 1290 is so fast that he rode out of the picture! Wheeew!

Mark on Turn 1

Tony chasing Mike. Turn 1

One of the stupid settings on the camera when I thought it would take 16 pictures in a row. This is what it did.

Man that SDR looks great!

Got to get off the seat some more.

Tony's favorite picture. Wonder why?

The good thing is that we all made it home safe. Bikes intact. Tyres trashed. Life is good!



2017-03-22 21:53:00 UTC

Cool man.
we are returning with UCF Knight Riders in April 15-16, then with STD May 27-28. I'd LOVE to have another SDR brother to play with. hint hint.



2017-03-22 22:37:00 UTC

Very nice, sounds like a great day.

Hopefully your electrical issue is just a bad reg/rec. I know that's what fixed mine when I had the same issues.



2017-03-23 00:42:00 UTC

Yes it was another great trackday, looking forward to the next one.



2017-03-23 01:24:00 UTC

Video from Mike's point of view

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2017-04-15 23:27:00 UTC

Nice TD report.