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FOOK ive been run over-but i still love Donington!!!



2011-05-06 12:54:00 UTC

Well what a strange day, a complete mixture of ups and downs )



2011-05-06 13:01:00 UTC

nice write-up dude, glad you're ok, sounds like a right eventful day!!!



2011-05-06 13:26:00 UTC

Christ Stew you ain't having too much luck of late on track. Glad you are ok as that could have been real, real nasty

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-06 14:03:00 UTC

Blimey, glad you´re ok mate.



2011-05-06 16:39:00 UTC

I have to admit I thought I was going to watch a video of you getting run over. Shame on me!

I know people compliment others here profusely but honestly, that is some excellent riding!
Granted, I don't know the lines at Donnington, the only times I have set foot there was drunk and tripping on acid in 1984 and 1985 at the Monster of Rock (good times!) but it really looks like you are getting on it! Attacking the apexes, keeping the revs up and moving through traffic well.
I don't know how fast the group 3 guys are but my guess would be you are just about there.
Really fun to watch!
Maybe KTM can do a fly and ride there someday like the have in Ohio this year.

Anyhow, glad you are doing OK. Any crash my SD brothers can walk away from is just awesome!
That SD is a great crasher isn't it?
Crash a GSX'er like that and it could be totaled!



2011-05-06 17:43:00 UTC

Sorry to hear about your off Stew, but glad your OK.



2011-05-06 19:38:00 UTC

Jeese Stew your as unlucky as Pete!

Hope your still up for next weekend injury wise? am going to do Donnington this year, there is one 23rd June which im thinking about.

Enjoyed the vid too



2011-05-06 20:20:00 UTC

Just watched the vid m8. Seems you are back on the pace dude Also using that extra 500rpm as I saw you pass 9.5k a few times but not bounce of the limiter. Donny does look like a fab track to ride. Must get there soon.

Stupid Luke

Stupid Luke

2011-05-06 20:35:00 UTC

Lucky it wasnt the blobby biker in the red leathers that ran you over or your injuries would be considerably worse. GWS Motoronin Jnr



2011-05-08 13:12:00 UTC

With FE making 180 places available for a TD it's innevitible one group is going to be over subscribed and they will have to shuffle people around groups to balance the numbers. If FE keep the 180 capacity I can see them heading towards running 4 groups days permanently to even the spread out. I bet their accident rate is also rising, would be good to see the numbers.



2011-05-09 15:24:00 UTC

Apologies for the delay: still working out how to edit Video. Anyone know why my GoPro video plays with sound but when imported into Sony Vegas the sound isn't there?

Anyway: pretty much as Ash said although I think we should rename him BAsh after the ramming, being ridden over event. The things some people will do for a bit of attention . . . .
BTW you know where to find sympathy, mate?
Its between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

Its all been said about the groups so I won't labour the point but after 180 each day at Anglesey and the same at Donington I'm thinking seriously of buying a 7 day bargain from EasyTrack and transferring my loyalty elsewhere.
I was out in the "Inters" and the closing speed was nothing short of terrifying!
I took the db killers for the new system only to find my biggest problem was the noise from my newly modified airbox. Now that was LOUD meaning I had to ride down the start / finish straight on part throttle short shifting at 7,000. Maybe it was my head but it meant I was a little cautious in nailing it elsewhere as well.

Still, a good day out and met up with a few people and it gave me the opportunity to shake down the most recent mods and see how they are going (slipper clutch, 50mm of the drag bars each side).

All joking aside, very impressed with Ash: he comes in says "some fooker ran over me" and then goes out in the next session! Hardcore.

Anyway my first attempt at editing a video and uploading it so apologies for the crap production: all help and advice gratefully received!
"Inters" Afternoon Donington 5/5/11:



2011-05-09 16:22:00 UTC

Unlucky Stew,glad to hear though that you and the bike are both ok. Tripoddave nice vid mate looks like you had fun reelin em in



2011-05-09 20:38:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-09 21:31:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-09 21:59:00 UTC

Nice video. Impressive

Ditto: wrong group! Must have been interesting for them to see a blurred SD fly past.

Ducati Pete

Ducati Pete

2011-05-09 22:27:00 UTC

Last time I went out in inters was at Snett after my hernia op, with 2 bath sponges tapped to the tank.

Kev Healy black flagged me after 5 laps and told me to go into fast.



2011-05-09 22:46:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-10 09:37:00 UTC

Bloody Hell Bash (like that TD), that was lucky, glad you're ok. Good vids the both of you, certainly showing those boys what naked speed's all about..



2011-05-10 13:44:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-10 14:51:00 UTC

OK you fookers, who do i see about changing my sign on name



2011-05-10 15:20:00 UTC

Good man, Bash!



2011-05-10 16:06:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-10 18:21:00 UTC

Swap it over then please dude, seeing as i havnt been the gym for 2 years and im no longer big and im making a habit of beating myself up then BASH69 it is



2011-05-10 18:33:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-10 18:44:00 UTC

Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester

2011-05-10 23:35:00 UTC

Blimey you don't like to do things by halves do you

I wondered why the name change on another thread, now I know, much respect for getting straight back on it again.

Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester

2011-05-10 23:54:00 UTC

Good vids too, definitely looks like you should move up based on yours Dave, those riders must wonder what's hit em when your hybrid SupeR1duke comes past.