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Mallory Park Oct 23rd



2015-08-21 13:58:00 UTC

Have fancied doing Mallory on the SD as I think the bike will suit the track well.

Have now booked for Oct 23rd and going with a mate who wants to give his Firestorm a track run, I'm joininging him in inters.

Date is with No Limits.

Obviously it's a risk with the weather but if it pisses with rain I will just go to the pub instead Cheap as chips day £75 or something like that.

Be great to see a few more SD's there if anybody fancies it.



2015-08-21 15:32:00 UTC

Might bring the CB for a play around Mallory. Don't like it on the Blade but I bet it's fun on a SD or CB



2015-08-21 16:29:00 UTC

Be good to see you there mate.

And yes it would be perfect for your new steed



2015-08-21 16:44:00 UTC

i may go for this, can't say for sure until closer to the time. it's round the corner from me, so i've been a few times before, and the sd goes well round there. i went out on my minitwin a while back and it's great fun riding gerards round the outside of faster bike, the cb will be perfect for that sort of thing.



2015-08-21 17:49:00 UTC

I've been taking some tips



2015-10-13 20:24:00 UTC

Just a quick reminder that I'm going to this with the SD.

Hoping fot a dry day and any additional SD's or members here showing up would be a bonus.

Day is with no limits and cheap as chips. Mallory should really suit the tractor

Anybody fancy it??



2015-10-26 15:08:00 UTC

Day was cold but dry.

My mate Mark did his first ever track day on an immaculate red Firestorm and is now mumbling about getting a track bike or an SD!

Here is a bit of footage from an early session. It's not edited at all so skip to 2 mins or 2.30 to miss the pit lane boredom.



2015-10-27 11:48:00 UTC

Few observations.

Mallory s a short track with two hard braking points and one long fast sweeping right hander. To this extent it really suits the SD and the no limits guy running the day said his racer mate had gone round on his SD in 57 secs. From looking at all the gopro stuff I took my best laps were around 1.06 so I'm a long way of the pace as expected

I was very inconsistent on the turn in at the end of the main straight. Speed at turn in varied from the high sixties to the mid eighties and on some laps when following the fast guys I carried 80+ all the way round. I think if I had seen the footage while there and understood this I would have been doing much more consistent times.

This is my second time with this SD and third time with any SD on track and I still have not got the body position right. Looking at some of the track day picture whores on here I need to get much further forward, lower and inside but it feels unnatural and so far I haven't cracked it. On sports bikes I felt real comfortable hanging off knee down but only my boots have ever touched down on the SD. I think if I could crack this it would help a lot in feel and times.

The brakes on the SD are just phenomenal. If I lost something on the bend I would make it up on the brakes every time.

The entrance to the main straight is a down hill, off camber sharp left entered in second gear. This is the only time I can ever remember thinking that I wished for traction control. The ability to pin it and let the computer sort it out would have made a huge difference to speed down the straight and I never nailed this even once in the whole day.

Overall I really enjoyed going back there after a long absence and I plan to go back again in the spring as it's only 50 miles from my home and would make a good way to ease into a track day season. If there are any other reasonably local SD riders who fancy it we could do a mini crashfest season opener!!



2015-10-27 14:50:00 UTC

Post missing.



2015-10-27 15:02:00 UTC

Bars could be it, thanks.

OK here is an edited version with the pitlane stuff removed, a few faster laps from a later session, a couple of mini moments and a nutter on a supermoto.

Track gods feel free to tell me where I could win most time. Growing a pair and not being such a pussy on the overtakes are a given!