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Race Report: Infineon May 25th, 2008



2008-05-31 09:53:00 UTC

I was very much looking forward to this race weekend and getting the bugs worked out of the 500. Unfortunately, Saturday was a wash.....literally.


It rained just long enough to cancel the whole day so no practice time for me

So, I had no choice but to put the bikes away and hope for better weather on Sunday.

Sunda, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!!!
Sunday is race day and there's something about it that I just can't explain. It's in the air, you breathe it, you feel it, you taste it. The day started off a bit cool but at least it wasn't raining.

I was in the first two practice groups so I had to be up early and get out there. I did most of the first session to get reaquainted with the lil ninja then traded off as Mikey was waiting for me in the hot pit lane with the 500. Between the two bikes I did 11 laps. Still bottoming out the forks on the 500 and trying my best to scrub in a new rear tyre. Talk about nerve wracking!
By the time I felt the tyre was scrubbed in, it was time to get off the track.

Well, here we go!

I was in race 5 and 11. Race 5 was the 250P race. I was gridded second row. No worries. I was going to go out, take it easy and have a good time...... until some little sh*t made a comment to me at the riders meeting and that, as they say, was that.

So, I'm standing there at the riders meeting next to another 250p rider and I jokingly say, "I'll just stand in front of you until the race starts so you can't go anywhere." He says,"I'll have no problem running you over."

Sorry but &%*@ you and the horse you rode in on. There was NO WAY I was gonna let this little bugger beat me. It was on!

So, said bugger was gridded in front of me. Let's just say he was my focus for the first 2-3 turns.

So, we're on the grid, 2 board, 1 board, Sidewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays, GREEN FLAG AND THEY'RE OFF!

I don't know what's in the water lately but I had another good start. I passed said bugger in turn 2 and that was that. See ya little bugger. :thumbs:

Another rider, Kelly, was in first place.

He is SUPER fast! He's been racing a very long time and besides being fast as stink, he's a great guy. Anyway, I catch him and pass him.

He passes me back

I pass him back

Then with about 2 laps to go, he passes me for good. I can't catch him as my arms start to lock up on me. The thing is, we are so far in front of everyone else that I can totally kick back on the last lap and bring it home for a well deserved and hard fought second place. :thumbs:

Applause all around! Hip, hip, hooray! I was on :cloud9:

The 500 race was a bit different. I had 4 laps last month and another 5 or 6 before racing it. I didn't get the suspension worked out and had no confidence in the rear tyre. I was also scraping BOTH sides of my belly pan, almost losing it in turn 4 because I leveraged the tyre off the ground.

I'm again in last place on the grid. There are only 7 of us for this race so I feel pretty good about not having to go through too much traffic. I know, I know. Confident little DRRB aren't I? :laff:

2 board, 1 board, Sidewaaaaaaaaaaaaaays, GREEN FLAG AND THEY'RE OFF!
2 out of 2 on the starts for the day as I fly into 3rd place from 7th heading intor turn 2. I'm doing pretty good and only have a few moments.

I hold 3rd place for most of the race

With about 2 laps to go, I let up as my arms start to tighten up which lets the guy behind me go through and put some distance between us. I'm still keeping him in sight though and decide I'm gonna make a push to try to catch him at the end.

Turn by turn I gain on him and I'm closing as the race nears it's end. I catch him on the back side of the track and try to get as close as possible to him. He has a bit more motor on me and pulls away on the exits but I close the gap on the entrances. It all comes down to the last turn as I am right behind him now, right on his rear tyre. He takes and inside line into turn 11 so I figure he's gonna drift wide. I square off the turn to pass him on the right and he cuts me off to the inside, I immediately go outside and he drifts wide but I'm already committed now so I just pin the throttle and it's a drag race to the checkered flag! :wow:

He beats me by ONE WHEEL!!!! This pic was taken a little before the checkered flag and I had the drive on him. I just couldn't get him in time.

4th place but still, not bad. I changed the fork oil weight already in anticipation for my next race which will be in August as I'm having surgery on my wrist next week and will miss the July race.

Racing off into the sunset. See ya in August and thanks for reading my report.

photo by Rubba



2008-05-31 10:17:00 UTC

Chuck, Well done,, excellent report. I suspect the comment made was all in jest, no fly in the ointment just a little extra grease in the bearing?

that would surely put the taste of adrenalin in my mouth!

good wishes and god speed on your wrist, joe just loves your reports, I will be anxiously awaiting the next one, good luck my friend.



2008-05-31 10:28:00 UTC

Do you sleep?