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Race Report: Infineon Raceway, August 17th.



2008-08-24 11:55:00 UTC

Sorry it's taken me a bit to get this done. I was waiting for some pics and you'll see why at the end.

Without further ado...

A little quick history: Last raced 3 months ago, surgery June 6th on right wrist, one practice day on July 22.

Saturday, August 16th. I signed up the 500 in hopes of getting the Joshua Jet finally dialed in. No luck as I had nothting but problems all day. Got maybe 4 laps in total with 2 of them being flyers. Not good.

Glad to have Z_Mnster Steve and son The Austenator there. Great kid you have there Steve. Thanks for coming down.

Bike was running on one cylinder at times. Took the carbs apart.


We found the float needled stuck and the float heights were wrong on one side. Great! We'll fix that and be right as rain... NOT!

Every practice session was pretty much the same. Warm up on pit lane, no problems, head out onto the track and by turn 2 big problems. Engine cutting out and completely stalling when pullin in the clutch. Had to baby it back to the pits every time. Changed the plugs. That didn't work. Changed form the reserve setting to the on setting. That didn't work. Changed rectifier. That didn't work. We had fuel flowing from the petcock. Was it enough? Don't know. I cleaned it out but didn't find anything in the float bowls. Each time we thought we had it fixed. Then came...

Sunday! Sunday! SUNDAY!!!!!

The 500 was in race 3. Warmer on, fule in the tank. Carbs cleaned, new plugs, etc... Went out for the warm up lap with high hopes...

Bike crapped out by turn 2 and had to leave it there until lunch time. Walk of shame back to the pits.

rxrated, aka guru was there giving me my spiritual advice.

Davin and Scott get in on the wisdom

Glen sneaks a listen as well.

Doesn't he look wiser?

So, this was the first time I went out for the warm up lap and didn't make the grid. I was bummed. Still, one more race to go on the lil two-fiddy. There was still hope.

You see, there's a very special young man at the hospital I take care of named Joshua. I named the 500 after him, calling it The Joshua Jet.

I made a promise that the next trophy I win goes to him and that I was bringing hardware back to the hospital with me after the weekend. Now I was down to one race on a bike I haven't ridden in 3 months and fairly fresh off of wrist surgery.

Race 9 is the 250P race so I take a deep breath and off I go.

To make matters worse, I get put in the back row.

I take my position and wait for our wave to be sent out.

2 board, 1 board, sidewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays, GREEN FLAG AND OFF THEY GO!

Another good start. By the time we hit turn 2 I'm in 4th place. The guy in front of me makes a pass on the guy in front of him and takes off. I have to wait until turn 6, the carousel, and make a sweet pass on the outside. I'm now in 3rd place!!!!!

First and second are gone and I'm just trying to keep 3rd. Just past the halfway point my left arm starts that familiar tightening. Oh no! Not now!

I take a glance back and 4th place has not only gained on me, they've caught me!
Image ((photo credit to Joe Salas at payment coming soon Joe.

Anyway, the right arm feels pretty good and if I have to, I'll finish one handed but there's no way I'm giving up 3rd place. I put my head down and to hear Davin tell it, "We saw you turn around and it looked like you said oh sh*t. The next time you came by you put a gap between you."

That about sums that up. :laff:

I crossed the line in 3rd place! :applaud: When I got back to the pits, I was exhausted!

Off to pick up my hard fought 3rd place trophy.


Next stop, Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland for a very special visit.

I told Josh's mom what was up and she was very excited. When Noelle and I got there, Josh had no idea what was going on. He asked about the race and I explained about all the trouble I had and how worried I was. You could see on his face the words, "that's ok" was about to come out when I pulled the trophy (glass etched mug) out and handed it to him. The look on his face was worth everything and more.

I have a tough job and often get asked, "how do you do it?" I always answer, "how can you not?" It's kids like Josh that give me true life perspective and inspire me to do my best.


Thank you for reading my report.