Only to gauge interest at this time: is hosting a track day at Streets of Willow.
I haven't been to "Streets" in a couple of years (or WSIR, for that matter ...), but if these guys are running the show, I'm game. It's been several years since have done a date there, and it looks like they'll be doing at least a couple there this year (Sorry, but I'm not doing Willow Springs in June).
I know there are some of you that prefer the shorter, more technical courses on your SDs, and if you've never run yours at SOW, it's good fun. This course flows nicely, and isn't monotonous. Has a nicely banked bowl that can play tricks with your inner ear if you go through it briskly enough; a great little dragstrip of a main straight after exiting the somewhat infamous "skidpad".
Yes, this is on a Monday, but for you Angelenos, it's not so far a drive home, and yes, you can camp there the night before if you wish. Somewhat more civilized than CVR; there's a supermarket, restaurants, and gas stations within spitting distance. Palmdale and Lancaster not far either.
2013-01-15 19:16:00 UTC
2013-02-08 23:39:00 UTC