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2014-11-02 00:33:00 UTC

Curious if anyone on here that has dealt with the leaking clutch cover through the casting itself, has had the situation remedied? My first cover was bone dry for at least 5,700 miles before it sprang a leak. I'm on the second cover that lasted 1000 miles before leaking in what looks to be about the exact same spot. Ktm has had the cover for a few weeks just waiting on a gasket that is on backorder until November 27. But was hoping to hear from someone that has had this issue, it was taken care of and their new clutch cover isn't leaking(add how many miles since new cover). The scary thing though is, if the new cover stops the leak(like the current leaking one did) how long will it go before the next leak or if it's finally a done deal.



2014-11-02 04:15:00 UTC

Mine has been replaced and is since then good as gold, no leaks.
It seems they have a weak spot in the front near the second bolt from the bottom.

While I waited for the parts to arrive I tapped the hole shut with something sharp and a gentle touch (I used a tig tungsten but a sharpened fine nail or so will do).
Tap gently round the leak to expand the material towards the hole!
Then I cleaned it with fine emery paper and degreased it with acetone.
I used JB weld on top of that and t never leaked.



2014-11-02 06:12:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-02 07:01:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-02 07:18:00 UTC

How long did your first cover go for before it started leaking? How many miles does the new cover have? What sucks, is how my first cover went 5700+ miles without a leak and my second 1000. But even if the 3rd cover is the one to cure it forever, I'll always be suspicious not knowing how long or if it will ever leak.
Secondly, I was a bit confused how you stopped your leak because you seemed like you might be anal also considering mentioning to me to go with ceramic bearings. Now I can say if I were a racer and needed every ounce of advantage I could muster up, ceramic bearings would be on my list. But I'm not one of those guys who has to put all the latest and greatest accessories on my bike mainly for bragging rights, but what ever mods I make I want to be done tastefully and properly. Hell, I grew up with a father who would fold his clothes to put in the dirty clothes hamper, so that ought to tell you how the rest of my life went. Even as much as I hated it growing up, some of it rubs off.



2014-11-02 22:33:00 UTC

Post missing.



2014-11-03 01:03:00 UTC

Post missing.