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2011-05-08 06:31:00 UTC

I just brought my 2007 leftover SD in for its 7500km sevice 1 year and 8 days from the date of purchase. My dealer found oil in the coolant and vice versa. He suspects a head gasket. He also suggested that KTM wouldn't cover it under warranty since it was a week out of warranty!


Has anybody on this forum ever experienced anything like that? As far as I'm concerned, the engine is total junk at this point. if coolant has been circulating amongst the bearings for any period of time, the engine should be replaced. The bike has been ridden normally (no track days even), and has only been serviced at the dealer on time and ahead of the recommended mileage intervals.

I'm interested to hear if any of you have had similar experiences. Also, does anybody have a contact name at KTM corporate for this kind of situation? I would be grateful for a name and number of helpful KTM personnel with the authority to actually do something about this.



2011-05-08 08:22:00 UTC

another thing that will do that is a water pump seal... no too expensive or hard to do. There is a link for it somewhere for step by step instructions.

They are known to fail fairly often, usually around 25000km mark but its not to say that it cant happen earlier. I would try that, then replace all the oil and flush the cooling system.



2011-05-09 05:25:00 UTC

I have a 2008 SD in CA ,purchased it new in 2009 it came with a 24 month warranty.



2011-05-09 05:42:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-09 22:45:00 UTC

My 2007 SD came with a one year warranty.




2011-05-09 23:31:00 UTC

My '08 that I purchased last year came with a one year warranty.

Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester

2011-05-09 23:38:00 UTC

My leftover 2008 registered in 2010, came with a 2 year warranty.



2011-05-11 01:21:00 UTC

Doesn't instill much faith in that supplier as a good KTM mechanic if his first instinct is a head gasket failure considering the water pump seal is a pretty well known issue on more than one KTM model.