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990 instrument cluster Fail



2017-10-02 00:19:00 UTC

I'm have a problem with my clocks/ instrument cluster. Just fueled up for gas and took a break from my all day ride.
Got back in the saddle and nothing lighting up on the dash. Completely dead
So my headlights do work both HI/low. Brake lamps OK
Horn works and no fuses faulted, However in my fuse bank the #10 spot is blank, I mean theres no metal housing in the slot to receive the fuse blades, Is this normal? It's just an empty slot.

Anyway was wondering if you had a procedure on diagnosing the issue and fixing the problem?
On the back end of this I will be calling KTM North America in California to ask if they can replace the clocks. So no riding, commuting or getting around town for me until resolved. Not good.

Any advice, appreciated.



2017-10-02 02:27:00 UTC

Doesn't sound like an instrument problem, they are prone to fading and losing the display but I can't recall one stopping the bike from going.

Sounds more like a broken wire or loose connection somewhere.



2017-10-02 02:38:00 UTC

The trouble shooting section in the workshop manual say if the dash is not working to replace the horn brake light speedo fuse. If that's all good maybe check for power there and start tracking it forward or back depending if there's power at that fuse.



2017-10-11 02:00:00 UTC

Yeah I agree. I'm pulling it apart tonight see how it's not getting power



2017-10-11 03:16:00 UTC

Hope it's easy to find, wires seem to chafe fairly easy on these.



2017-10-11 03:27:00 UTC

Well the strange bit is that It worked agin yesterday....
No power to the cluster for a week then out of nowhere it turned back on and started up... But once again today, nothing.
I'm diving in to it at the moment.



2017-10-11 06:44:00 UTC

Certainly sounds like a loose connection or chafed wire

No. 47

No. 47

2017-10-11 07:27:00 UTC

If it’s just the speedo unit, from Soft 32 Dat 101 thread - check for broken red/white wire at 12 pole connector to bottom lhs (sitting on the bike) behind headlamp - from the wiring diagram, this appears to be the power source (excluding backlight) for the speedo unit - manual is wrong/inconsistent re description for this connector and the one above as the bottom one is definitely for the front wiring loom including the speedo unit.



2017-10-13 09:52:00 UTC

Well I disassembled the cluster, cleaned it and put it back,
nothing happened, Lamps good but no power to cluster.
all fuses good.
I suppose the next step would be to put a multi meter on each wire plugging into the back of the clocks



2017-10-13 10:12:00 UTC

Have you checked the one suggested by no47 above?



2017-10-24 08:01:00 UTC

Nola - any progress on this? I'm experiencing similar problems.
Will take off the dash later and have a look for chafing wires. Failing that will take the dash apart and re-assemble.
Just realised I have a spare lcd display with pin connectors. I might try swapping that and see if there's any difference



2017-10-25 15:00:00 UTC

Post missing.



2017-12-25 08:25:00 UTC

Post missing.



2017-12-25 08:33:00 UTC

Post missing.



2017-12-25 08:38:00 UTC

So I' getting hi/lo beams and indicators. Intermittent dash/clocks. No horn no start button. Battery is at 13.4 v no fuel pump prime. The kill swith does make the relay click. I can hear the clicking noise..
I've had issue with starter relay but I solved that and I get power up to headlights so.....



2017-12-30 18:17:00 UTC

If yours is an original unit, the things are just junk. KTM knew this, and new replacements are slightly different in appearance. The original design for 2007+ weren't properly sealed, poorly connectorized, and not the most shock/vibration resistant electronics (if they tested it at all, other than road use on bikes).

If convinced it isn't an intermittent at the connector or cabling to the unit, the unit itself isn't really serviceable.

IIRC, I have a replacement - new style, NIB - if interested, PM me.



2017-12-31 16:11:00 UTC

Finally concluded my dash saga - after pulling it apart numerous times in the desperate hope I might find an obvious reason for it not working properly, then eventually giving up and accepting that it was more than likely the unit itself that had failed (I read all the threads and still wasn't 100% sure).

So a couple of months ago, I received, at great expense (£294) a new dash from Trevor Pope. At the time I'd just had a back operation so wasn't able to install until today.

In addition, I'd had an electrical problem so ordered a new battery and borrowed a reg/rec from No47 - thanks Steve



2018-01-01 09:38:00 UTC

It could be that the new unit is reading in kilometres as the value you have correlates pretty much exactly to 25,500 miles. Best give them a call tomorrow to try and sort it out.



2018-01-01 13:54:00 UTC

Post missing.



2018-01-01 14:04:00 UTC

Scotty you are a genius and yes - I’m an idiot. The clue was in the kph under the speedo display. All sorted now - just hold down the top button for 10 seconds and it switches to mph. Now showing 25500 miles. Thanks



2018-01-10 17:19:00 UTC

Post missing.

No. 47

No. 47

2018-02-01 16:31:00 UTC

Post missing.