2012-04-22 15:33:00 UTC
22 months of ownership, many months of making sure battery conditioner is plugged in, now it gave up holding charge! Motobatt CTX9 fitted (what a chore) but I'm thinking that its not as good as when the original was in tip top condition. When the fan cuts in the headlight dims, I'm sure I did not notice that before? What's the crack?
2012-04-22 16:56:00 UTC
Maybe you got a bad battery, don't they have a 12 month guarantee? Maybe give there customer line a call and they will exchange it.
2012-04-22 16:59:00 UTC
2 Year guarantee - might see how things go for a while, just glad to have her start for me
2012-04-22 19:50:00 UTC
hi johnpav
the headlight dim is probably quite normal as the system is loaded when the fan cuts in , probably when you rev it a little it all would be normal again .
quickie for you , those moto batt batteries , they same size as original ?, because its all a bit tight .
the headlight dim is probably quite normal as the system is loaded when the fan cuts in , probably when you rev it a little it all would be normal again .
quickie for you , those moto batt batteries , they same size as original ?, because its all a bit tight .
2012-04-22 19:56:00 UTC
Yes same size, but acid absorbed in some sort of glass fibre, supposed to have more cranking power - not sure about that either! Real pain in the ass changing battery - wiresville!
2012-04-22 21:19:00 UTC
Have you had the rectifier/regulator checked out?
2012-04-23 05:56:00 UTC
Charging at 14.4 according to the battery thingy Bash
2012-04-24 11:35:00 UTC
I have motobatt baterries on three bikes including the SD, I cant fault them, they do need an overnight trickle charge before first use though
2012-04-24 16:37:00 UTC
Which one have you got on the SD?