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Ignition problem in the rain



2015-08-26 05:51:00 UTC

Yesterday riding home in the rain the engine just cut out. Totally dead, lost all ignition so I coasted to the side of the road. Then it started up OK again and I set off but it cut out again. I thought it might be the side-stand switch but it was inconsistent and would run OK sometimes, then not. I tried to get home (I was about ten miles away) and had to get the bike running in neutral, then snick into gear - first or second. Sometimes the ignition would cut as soon as I engaged gear (which is why I fingered the side-stand switch) but other times it was OK so I would set off and be fine until suddenly, three or four gear changes lated it would die again.

Took me over two hours to get back! Eventually had to push it the last mile as it just wouldn't stay running.

Anyone recognise these symptoms? First thing I will look at is the BGC but it was all done very recently. Next is the HM quick-shifter harness but, again, this was replaced only last month.



2015-08-26 06:13:00 UTC

From what you're describing, it could be anything Bic.
If it is rain related try the usual suspects. Eliminate QS, clean connectors...

No. 47

No. 47

2015-08-26 08:00:00 UTC

Know very little about quickshifter - did engine cut out when gear selected with clutch pulled or when you started to release clutch?

Symptoms sound like short/failing side stand switch or bypass switch - I have spare latter.



2015-08-26 08:27:00 UTC

That's the weird thing. It did both. The bike always started when I got the box in neutral. Every time, so it isn't a problem with the primary ignition I don't think. Then sometimes it would cut out as soon as I engaged a gear, either first or second like it was the side-stand switch failure. But then other times it would engage and then cut out as soon as I opened the throttle, two or three seconds into accelerating. Then at other times it would seem to run OK for a few hundred metres - I'd get up to fourth and sometimes fifth gear and then it would suddenly cut out and die.

I'm going to let it all dry out for a few days and first thing look at the side-stand switch which I did have to repair a wire on there a few weeks ago - maybe it's fractured again or is intermittently failing.



2015-08-26 08:35:00 UTC

Hi Bic
Was the bike cutting out so you had dashboard lights or was it going completely dead so you had to turn the ignition off then on again to get any sort of life?
If the motor was cutting out but all lights remained on could you restart when in gear or did you have to go to neutral?
If it was going completely dead did it come back every time you turned the bike off then on ?
When the bike stopped running did it stop dead or did it loose power before dying or even surge intermittently?

Sorry - you wrote your reply while I was asking my questions!



2015-08-26 09:25:00 UTC

Dashboard lights all OK as was everything else electric on the bike.

Had to go into neutral to restart - clutch bypass switch didn't seem to work but it usually does.

When engine stopped it just died immediately, like someone had cut the ignition. No warning, surging, spluttering or intermittent firing. Just dead like a switch. I had to ride with a finger on the clutch to whip it in as soon as it cut because if I was cornering it would have had me off with the engine braking on lean in the wet. If I was going fast enough then I would try and drop the clutch and start it in gear but nothing - there was no ignition until I stopped and put it into neutral. Then it was OK for a while

Bloody frustrating and all in the torrential rain and cold!



2015-08-26 13:05:00 UTC

If you have taken the tank off quite a few times like me the fuel pump plug(three wires)can cause problems like one off the male connectors can be push back through the socket.Your coil pack could be lose which caused me very similar problems.Very frustrating I know.Good luck.Cheers



2015-08-26 13:33:00 UTC

Sounds like you're on the right path...intermittent fault with the side stand switch.



2015-08-26 16:22:00 UTC

I had something similar with the side stand switch, I gave it all a good clean and it never occurred again. Could be some road gunk.