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2015-06-23 22:28:00 UTC

Just bought a MY10 990 SD, and I'm massively surprised the back brake is as crap as the rest of the bike is good.

Pads have plenty meat on them, plenty fluid in the system, but the thing hardly holds me on a hill.

Are they all this crap, or just on my bike? Is it worth me trying to bleed the system? Don't want to waste time if it's not going to work. And if I do bleed it, what's the best fluid to use?





2015-06-23 22:37:00 UTC

They are not the best in the world but I had never any issues with the back brake on my 990.
I could easily lock the wheel and slide it.
Don't use sintered pads, just normal ones as they have better initial bite and give it a good bleed. Normal brake fluid Dot 4.

If it is that weak as you describe there might be an underlying issue like lack of maintenance before and the rear slide- piston is seized or so.
Make sure all is free.



2015-06-23 22:42:00 UTC

Post missing.