Hi all,
Since about a month the dashboard of my 2007 Super Duke R (AU, GB) started turning off and on again while driving (especially when giving gas - overpowered somehow?). Now the bike won't start up at all (dAt 101 error, dashboard turns on and off constantly) and a high pitch screaming noise is coming from one of the starter relays. So I tried to order a new relay from the parts number, but I'm a little confused since the parts number listed in the KTM parts finder only seems to be the plastic socket to insert the relay in. The parts number is: 61111057000.
In the KTM parts finder it's the only number that comes close to the relays, and the name of the item in the finder is "RELAY CM1A-R-12V-H80 07", which is almost the exact text on the relay itself. If you Google Search the part number, you see that it's only the socket and not the relay. Does anybody have any idea if it's the correct part? The webshop I'm ordering won't tell me for sure.
That aside, could the starter relay be busted from a faulty battery? I ordered a new battery 3 months ago and actually had to cut off a plastic "notch" from the battery cover to make it fit. I'm wondering if that was a wise choice and maybe this battery is not supported for the SDR? The webshop said it should be fine. Battery: MotoBatt MBTX9U
Thanks a bunch!
No. 47
2018-04-26 14:05:00 UTC
2018-04-26 16:23:00 UTC
Aye - the part no. and description for the relay is 61111057000 RELAY CM1A-R-12V-H80 07 (circa £8 each) - they're all the same so you could try swopping one of the over to confirm that it is a problem with the starter relay.
2018-05-07 15:48:00 UTC
In the end it was the battery that needed a good long charging, and part number 61111057000 is just the cover like I feared.