Hiya, I was on here before but after a few computer crashes I have well and truly lost all my previous info so it was just easier to start from scratch,,,, and write down my info this time.
I bought an '05 990 Superduke early in 2014 after binning my R1. Love it!
It really brings out my inner 15 year old!
I can't take credit for this, I saw a sportsbike version but thought the Austrian Hate Machine merited it.
Playing with it last year not long after I got it. I still had the pins in my left thumb so was just powering it up.
2015-11-30 23:24:00 UTC
2015-12-01 01:41:00 UTC
awesome mate welcome to the orange side of madness cheers bazz
2015-12-01 09:47:00 UTC
2015-12-01 15:04:00 UTC
Nice riding! Welcome back.