Hello all...
Just brought an 08 SDR and I'm in love. Had a 990 SM before this but never got on with it. The SD has me had over heals in love though. Feels awesome through the bends!
2015-10-15 10:52:00 UTC
2015-10-15 12:04:00 UTC
And welcome to the forum!
And welcome to the forum!
2015-10-17 06:42:00 UTC
Welcome matey
2015-10-19 16:19:00 UTC
Welcome.. Enjoy your new ride..
2015-10-19 17:09:00 UTC
2015-10-19 20:50:00 UTC
Welcome aboard. You planning track time on the SDR
2015-10-19 23:27:00 UTC
Sounds like the difference between a wife and a girlfriend Welcome aboard comrade.
No. 47
2015-10-20 12:33:00 UTC
Thanks all..
Yeah I can't wait to get on track with it. Did my first track day last year at Odiham airfield but that was on the SM. Since then I've got an itch to scratch and the sooner I get on track the better. The SD will be awesome too!
Yeah I can't wait to get on track with it. Did my first track day last year at Odiham airfield but that was on the SM. Since then I've got an itch to scratch and the sooner I get on track the better. The SD will be awesome too!