Just thought I'd say hello. I'm in Ohio and unfortunately we only have one ktm dealer about an hour away from me. It's a small mom & pop type dealership that's been around since the 70's - that part makes me feel good - but it's a husband and wife, the wife does sales, the husband does service. What happens when they retire? This is my dilema as the force is strong with this ktm super duke.
They have a 2014 and 2 2015 sd's in stock but I'm reluctant to dive in as I'm reading about the issues that present themselves with this beautiful machine; also, it sounds like it's a fairly complex motor so I probably would have the dealer do all the servicing, including oil changes due to my lack of mechanical ability. My other considerations are the BMW S1kr and R nine t. I'm a ducati nut at heart, but the only remaining ducati dealer near me destroyed my beloved, pristine st3 when they screwed up the 6k service - which highlights the importance of a good dealership.
Anyway, just thought I'd say hi.
2015-08-28 14:29:00 UTC
2015-08-28 16:27:00 UTC
Welcome desmoface. Enjoy now, worry later.
2015-08-28 18:37:00 UTC
Welcome dude. Enjoy the bike, that's what it does best.