2016-09-27 22:37:00 UTC
Seriously, you Superduke friends in the States. This was not a political debate by any stretch of the imagination. It was like listening to an informed adult (Clinton) having a playground row with a 5 year old child (Trump) about subjects that were beyond the comprehension of the younger participant.
I have long held low opinions of Trump but this exposed him as something even less than I thought. How on earth does anyone feel that this guy is fit for running your country?
He's a joke. He is not even capable of having an informed discussion on any subject. He seems to view everything in terms of a capitalist exploitation, ruthless business ethics, profit making, exploitation of laws for personal gain and resorts to pathetic, transparent rhetoric to incite hatred and fear in a way that would only appeal to narrow minded, ignorant people. And he's obviously very proud of this.
What's going on?
Jeez, I'd be terrified of what would happen to your country if this guy got elected. (and I thought we had it bad here with Teresa May and the tories!)
2016-09-27 23:46:00 UTC
2016-09-27 23:54:00 UTC
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2016-09-28 00:08:00 UTC
Not one iota of merit in anything he says or in any of his actions... people are desperate for change for the better .. just like when Hitler came to power.
No one I've talked to, including a few North Americans, can understand how people can support the fear mongering narcissistic egocentric buffoon ?.
2016-09-28 04:41:00 UTC
2016-09-28 14:12:00 UTC
I just think the media are making Trump look bad as they are working for the Clinton Obama
Lying club.
Anyhow its your country just remember I warned you not to vote Clinton
2016-09-28 15:51:00 UTC
I recently saw a clip of a US news programme which featured a guy who'd been present at a National Securiy Briefing that included the TT as a potential next president and the guy said that during the briefing Trump asked three times why nuclear weapons hadn't been deployed in Syria. Jumping fooking Jesus, they cannot seriously consider electing this moron if he has so little grasp of the ramifications and consequences of such an act.
As described by our Comrade above, the Tangerine twat has the gift of being able to tap into the disenfranchised and unhappy electorate by telling them what they want to hear, which is pandering to their base and somewhat unpleasant sentiments, and means diddly in terms of him being able to deliver.
He even states his admiration for Putin FFS! Putin is a shrewd operator and will play the TT like a fish if he gives him the opportunity to.
Hilary may not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's the better of only two options, and both the US and the world will become more dangerous places if the Tangerine twat is elected. His behaviour, egotism and intolerance of dissent are somewhat reminiscent of the world's biggest comedy leader - Kim Jong Un.... Do we need another like him?
2016-09-28 16:47:00 UTC
2016-09-28 21:16:00 UTC
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2016-09-28 21:27:00 UTC
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2016-09-28 23:09:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 05:40:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 09:19:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 14:20:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 14:40:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 16:07:00 UTC
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2016-09-29 20:27:00 UTC
Check it out.
2016-09-29 21:13:00 UTC
The only thing missing was the mic drop!
2016-09-30 00:16:00 UTC
2016-10-02 22:42:00 UTC
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2016-11-09 15:44:00 UTC
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2016-11-09 23:54:00 UTC
Obama has done crap all to make the USA better and Clinton would have only followed in his footsteps and just made it worse.
Anyhow we just have to wait and see but I bet Clinton and Obama are trying to think of a way to get Trump out.
2016-11-10 00:06:00 UTC
We have 4-8 years of a Democrat in office restricting our gun laws, then we have 4-8 years of Republicans restricting our personal freedoms while saying they're all for a smaller government. They just take turns whittling us down.
2016-11-10 00:54:00 UTC
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2016-12-12 23:49:00 UTC
This is bad ju ju guys...can not fookin believe Trump got in...
Not the left coast where I live, but the rest got suckered in deep.
I got some riding buds who went for Trump....not sure where they get their info..but they sure are eating it up.
This is going to rip the US up into pieces. They want to kill Clinton...bash her head in...where the hell this shit start?
Hope the current prez digs deep to see who is behind the crap slinging. We really need to set this straight, before Trump has a chance to really fook us all...
Bermo KTM
2016-12-13 09:04:00 UTC
Try to get some sleep..
My Dad use to tell me lay close to edge of the bed, as you'll soon drop off..
2016-12-13 11:26:00 UTC
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2016-12-13 15:15:00 UTC
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2016-12-13 19:16:00 UTC
I think we listen to different drummers....I don't feel like any of my rights have been stripped away.
I always had guns and love to shoot..that does not mean all people should have the same right.
Should have to have a license, just like a drivers license.
Just too many nut cases with easy access to people killing guns.
My dirt bike riding area is a good example.
We got nut case people firing auto weapons, cutting 12 inch trees down, without using a back stop for their slugs.
I am riding dirt bikes in the background thinking WTF? ?
We had a window of a pickup truck shot out with 3 people in the cab.
Both sides of our legislator are so much at each others throats, they can't work together. That is why they can't do there jobs.
I feel another civil war in the air, some family members are already planning not to have coming holidays together.
Each side needs to lightin' up a bit.
2016-12-13 21:50:00 UTC
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2016-12-14 01:03:00 UTC
Bermo KTM
2016-12-14 02:14:00 UTC
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2016-12-14 02:46:00 UTC
2016-12-14 02:53:00 UTC
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2016-12-14 03:58:00 UTC
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2016-12-14 04:07:00 UTC
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2016-12-14 10:30:00 UTC
2016-12-14 20:38:00 UTC
"I guess I should have specified California legislators. But hey at least they deem us competent enough to pump our own gas."
I live in Oregon where we voters voted in the law to have gas attendants pump gas.
Ok.....think about why this was.....because you do not have a clue...and I bet a lot of other information in your head is also junk news.
Junk News = made up news to do harm to others.
Be real careful what you read, believe and repeat.
A life lesson taught to me from my uncle, " His mom told him, Be very careful and chose your words wisely before you speak. If you say the wrong thing to a person, the damage is done. You can apologize to the person but they will always remember the bad comment and will think differently about you from then on. Just like a dog that bites.
A guy at work was, what I believe listening to a bunch of junk news before the elections. Not sure where he got his info, but it was not main stream news, and really off the wall.
Reason us Oregon VOTERS passed a law for gas attendant's to pump gas for give them jobs...lost to the down turn in logging....we supplied jobs....dude.
This same type of mixed up information, junk news, is the reason we have a clown elected for US Prez...
2016-12-15 17:59:00 UTC
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2016-12-15 18:32:00 UTC
2016-12-15 19:19:00 UTC
Years ago Bill Clinton got his walking papers for getting a BJ.
Big frikin' deal I thought.
Better than wiping other's lively hoods and killing for gas, oil and land.
Let's go get some land with oil and kill, destroy the towns so they remember who did for 400 years or more.
2016-12-15 20:27:00 UTC
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2016-12-15 20:30:00 UTC
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2016-12-15 21:35:00 UTC ... down-clock
2016-12-15 21:55:00 UTC
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2016-12-15 22:36:00 UTC
We're pretty damn good about banter here, everyone seems have have thick skin.
Just keep in mind any ad hominem attacks directed towards a persons race/religion/gender/how many arms they have will not be tolerated.
However, grammar, choice of rim tape and riding a 1290 are all fair game.
2016-12-15 23:29:00 UTC
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2016-12-16 04:00:00 UTC
2016-12-16 17:55:00 UTC
2016-12-16 18:10:00 UTC
I also agree, no personal attacks. That just demonstrates your argument is weak.
As they say, "Opinions are like butt holes. Everyone's got one, and they all stink".
Carry on....
2016-12-16 19:56:00 UTC
2017-01-18 22:14:00 UTC
Try as I might and believe me when I say there has been much pondering on how and why Mr. Trump is to be our next prez, I cannot wrap my brain around this predicament. I have created in my vocabulary a place for the word presidential to be an adjective. I place it in high regard. I watched somewhere near nine candidates run for commander and chief on the republican ticket and of those nine Mr.Trump would have been without doubt the furthest down the list that I could ascribe this adjective to. This is based on the fact that he overwhelmingly had the advantage of far more airtime which time and time again showed me how lacking or should I say representing to me what this word defines.
I am a bleeding heart,tree hugging,...liberal. I would not have voted for a republican candidate. I vote the democrat ticket party line as I believe that they represent my philosophy on how I want our nation to progress. To have a president that is opposite these structures is and will probably forever be counterintuitive to my makeup. I can appreciate the ideas and ideals of republicanism. I find many aspects of that philosophy to be admirable. The idea that as a citizen it is your-our responsibility to get up every day and strive to create circumstances and products that create no extra burden on our fellow citizens. To make a way for oneself, not relying on others frees the others from a burden and creates an easier situation for the rest to supply themselves with liberty and happiness. It does remind me of a famous president that said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
I have been afforded many advantages and many talents that have made my quest for independence and ability to be self reliant. One of those advantages has been education. One has been nepotism. One has been simply being born in Americas expansion era. A baby boomer in the smack of great industrial expansion. I was also born white and male and these two have probably afforded more choice and opportunity than any other category.
I for the life of me cannot reach any good conclusions has to how Mr. Trump is to be our next president. I cannot connect with the people that feel he was the person to represent the ideas and ideals that we would like our nation to build on. I find myself ready to create a bubble around me or should I call it a wall that shields me from the poor bastards that voted for him. The ones that feel they have been wronged by america. The ones that feel their live's, liberty's and pursuit's have been stymied by healthcare and freedom of choice and departments of education, and global warming scientists, and financial regulations, well you get the gist, the list goes on and on.
The Superduke is a really good motorcycle and I am glad I own one.
The Gin Reaper
2017-01-18 22:44:00 UTC
If you are so repelled by those fellow citizens who don't share you political views and didn't vote in a way you approve, and that you somehow need to shut their existence out of your consciousness and create a bubble around yourself, its not Trump who's sewing division and setting society against itself, its not him who's emanating hatred and intolerance, its you.
Get out of your bubble, you'll suffocate.
2017-01-19 13:27:00 UTC
Would have been great.
2017-01-19 15:30:00 UTC
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2017-01-20 19:12:00 UTC
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2017-01-20 19:57:00 UTC
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2017-01-20 22:24:00 UTC
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2017-01-20 22:32:00 UTC
It's not about Trump, it's not about May it's not about being left or right or labelled one or the other it's not about brexit democrat or republican.
It's about people in the middle, not racist not rich not poor, but sick none the less of being butt fooked by lying cheating arseholes who say one thing and do another.
It's about the take take take, constantly taking a little more, more time from your away from your family making you work a little longer just to maintain the status quo, making you pay a little more, and get a little less. It's about being told you need to work more so someone else can have a better life.
Is Trump gonna change that No. Is Brexit gonna change that? No. But at least now they might sit up and say "fook they actually voted us out" and maybe.. Just maybe they might start thinking about doing the job they are elected to do. And that's look after everyone. Black, white, gay straight , young old and inbetween and NOT their own self serving interests.
So do I believe it will make a difference No. People have short memories that's why both the UK and US have been in the thrall of 2 sided politics for 100 years.
2017-01-20 23:28:00 UTC
Brexit and Trump have started a revolution here as well. There was a little known redneck pollie, Pauline Hanson, who was in politics twenty years ago and got booted for being too extreme. Well, now she's back and her following is greater than ever. The major parties are now scared shitless, because the writing is on the wall for them too.
They need to start listening and stop fooking preaching.
2017-01-21 11:51:00 UTC
2017-01-21 12:04:00 UTC
2017-01-21 12:18:00 UTC
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2017-01-21 12:39:00 UTC
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2017-01-21 22:54:00 UTC
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2017-01-22 11:11:00 UTC
2017-01-22 22:18:00 UTC
2017-01-24 00:51:00 UTC
TRUMP He Grabs Pussies
On the other side
TRUMP So He Grabbed You Too
2017-01-24 01:35:00 UTC
2017-01-26 05:25:00 UTC
Just goes to show how dumb some woman really are as one of the leaders of the march was Linda sarsour a Muslim woman who wants sharia law in the USA!
2017-01-26 06:18:00 UTC
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2017-01-26 10:20:00 UTC
We here in F-land (Funnyland, Finland, what it is) are going to have an extra yearly tax for motorcycles. Sales will go down, I think. They already are because of extremely high price-levels (2017 sdr 1290 price about 22500 eur). And, that is not all - the traffic authority is planning an individual vehicle road tax so that might mean every vehicle shall have a tracking device - so you will have maybe automatically a ticket in your post if you ride too fast or too close to another vehicle in the near future...
But, what do I care? Never worry about things you cannot change and never worry about things you can change...