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crankcase breater mod.



2011-05-01 12:45:00 UTC

This is a mod similar to one i've done on other bikes. When the crankcase builds up presure from piston pulses the pressure in the case builds up to a point were piston movement is slowed, the pressure is released through a vent. this vent is usually pumped into the air box so as to not be released into the atmosphere.

The problem being that the air being pumped out has oil vapour in it, sometimes the reason you get oil in your airbox. this is also the reason the vapour is not pumped into the atmosphere.

The oil vapour being sucked into the combustion chamber then is ignited and burnt. There is simply less oxygen in the airbox and therefore less in the cyclinder.

when you breathe the crankcase, the oil vapour that condenses back to liquid needs to be collected so it dosent hit the road or your rear tyre. eg catch can (which you have to be able to drain.)

This is an easy mod that smoothes your engine buy allowing it to breathe and giving it cleaner air.

1 half metre length of hose (same diameter as your crank breather)(I used my old SAS lines as the are the right diameter)
1 Small air fliter
1 T piece to fit in the internal diameter of the hose
1 straight pipe adaptor for the end of hose to the filter
1 blanking plug
1 rubber block off to put back on the air box
6 hose clamps
6 zippy ties

This is a pic of my filter mounted on the old secondary butterfly actuator mounts.
you dont have to mount it here but it does have to be higher than where the T piece is mounted.

rsz_2011-05-01_15-18-44_628.jpg (52.18 KiB) Viewed 1976 times

rsz_2011-05-01_15-22-03_400.jpg (44.08 KiB) Viewed 1976 times

The T piece is set up as follows-
The top hose is from the crankcase, as the standad one is aiming down to go into the air box, its perfect.
The left runs to the new filter either higher or level with the T piece.
The bottom hose runs straight down to your battery box with a blanking plug in it.

Ive used clear line so as the vapour condenses i can see how much is collecting and when i have to drain it.

rsz_2011-05-01_15-33-46_855.jpg (45.7 KiB) Viewed 1976 times

Dont forget to put the blanking cap on the airbox hole that is now open.

Ive always noticed a difference in every bike ive done this to, it eliminates big catch cans and is a affordable $50AUD.
Also reduces plug fowling.



2011-05-01 13:40:00 UTC

cheers for the idea... did mine a little bit differently but the result should be the same... a clear flexible tube totally skipped my mind, was looking into an ally one but this is much cheaper and easier to do



2011-05-01 22:59:00 UTC

And to let you all know.. 30cm of that hose has 24mL of storage... A decent amount really