I’m looking to buy a generator which has an output around 2–2.6Kw!
It will be used for tyre warmers and also general camping duties, (grills etc) and charge the odd mobile, laptop etc through their 240-12/5v transformers.
The question is, do I need one of those fancy inverter types? I understand they are better for sensitive electronics, presumably equipment such as PCs, Monitors and LCD screens etc. But, should anything that runs/charges through a 240->12/5v transformer be OK with a general purpose generator!
2011-05-17 09:53:00 UTC
2011-05-17 10:43:00 UTC
Depending on your needs and budget really.
I rate the inverter honda and yamaha the best but also the most expensive.
They however run everything in within the output range without any problems, even the latest electronically controlled fridges and so on.
For tyre warmers any generater with the proper kw output will do as the warmers just have an heating element in them (heat trace).
Laptops are fine on these also as they have their own powerpack which regulates and "protects" the laptop itself. They also run on anything from 110 to 280 volts or so, no issues here.
Short story, if you want to run anything with fancy electronics go inverter, tyre warmers and laptops non-inverter is fine.
I rate the inverter honda and yamaha the best but also the most expensive.
They however run everything in within the output range without any problems, even the latest electronically controlled fridges and so on.
For tyre warmers any generater with the proper kw output will do as the warmers just have an heating element in them (heat trace).
Laptops are fine on these also as they have their own powerpack which regulates and "protects" the laptop itself. They also run on anything from 110 to 280 volts or so, no issues here.
Short story, if you want to run anything with fancy electronics go inverter, tyre warmers and laptops non-inverter is fine.