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Last questions after fitting MH airbox before starting up



2010-08-07 20:14:00 UTC

HI all, can I ask your favour for a cple of questions that I could not find answers to in the guide or searching here;

There is a clear drain type tube that sits on the left side of the bike about mid between the velocity stacks, right near where the fuel line bends up, it doesn t seem to connect to anything up top- there wasn t a hole in the original airbox either.

I found that UNDER the original airbox sitting over the intake pots were 2 plastic/rubber and steel flanges, sort of flat and quite stiff. I saw no mention of them and from the quide pictures I cannot see them on the final set-up with the MH airbox, but the rubber gasket type things with the jubilee clips which the throttle assembly fits on to seems to sit better with these other flanges underneath?

There's a little elbow connector at the back of the petrol tank that didn t have a hose coming from it? dons t seem to leak though

The long rubber breather hose at the front of the tank was very hard to pull up.
The bottom bolt on the front sas plate was a right bitch to get off and then took even longer to get on again to start- fat fingers.

petrol tank lines up perfectly, I didn t take it off, just tied it back agst rear subframe to keep out the way. I have no damper rod thing

Thanks vm