When I first got the SD I went back to using a backpack as there's not much room on that tiny rear seat. Then I remembered why I stopped using a backpack: I just don't like weight hanging off my back when I ride, and I didn't want a tankbag. So the search began for a tailbag. They all looked too big, and I wasn't totally sold on the look of the Kriegas. I started thinking outside the box and settled on the Nelson-Rigg CL-400 mini strap-mount tankbag. Yes, TANKBAG. The shape fits the rear seat perfectly, and it was on sale for only 55 bucks. I got the strap-mount as opposed to the magnetic one cuz it has loops on the bottom for strapping. First I pulled off the foam base, then I hacksawed through the plastic buckles to remove them (not through the loops but through the buckles themselves). What you're left with is just the bag with three loops on the bottom. Then I got two 3-foot-long nylon straps with buckles from my local Army surplus store for $1.29 ea. The front one goes under the seat and through the loops that are under there, and the rear one goes around the plastic piece that holds the license plate, right where the taillight is. No, the mufflers don't melt the strap. It's pretty sturdy once you cinch it up. It's not a huge bag but big enough for the daily commute. I'll try to post pics soon.
2009-06-24 20:50:00 UTC
2009-06-24 22:22:00 UTC
Come on... Post some pics. You know we want to see how it looks on he bike.
2009-06-25 04:31:00 UTC
I just got a new bag today also. Its not made for a bike, but works great. Its a tactical bag with lots of little strappy things to connect other bags and doodads. Heres were I got it. http://www.countycomm.com/minebag.htm
2009-06-25 10:43:00 UTC
I've been wondering how Maxpedition bags and pucherss would be for tail bags and so. It's just so well made, tougher, more pockets, more attachment points, compared to all the bike stuff.
2009-06-25 10:58:00 UTC
newenough.com has the best pictures, including Nelson-Rigg stuff. They take photos of everything, from all angles, the inside, everything.
2009-07-05 18:51:00 UTC
Post missing.
2009-07-06 09:49:00 UTC
Looks good (as far as I can see with small screen on phone.) Good deal for $55. So how did you figure out that it would be the right size? I wonder how it would work on the SDR tail.
2009-07-06 16:51:00 UTC
Cat, I just measured the back part of the seat and then went by the manufacturer's measurements of the bag. Probably any of the mini tankbags would work. They're small so don't hold a lot, but it's enough for commuting to work.
2009-09-14 11:46:00 UTC
Post missing.
2009-09-14 15:00:00 UTC
Any info on that bag? I dig!
2009-09-15 17:58:00 UTC
All the info's in my first post, at the top of the page.
2009-09-15 18:14:00 UTC
bags connections
they even have tailbags
lovely dutch scene, don't you think
they even have tailbags
lovely dutch scene, don't you think
2009-09-15 18:45:00 UTC
Post missing.
2009-09-16 02:46:00 UTC
Post missing.
2009-09-16 16:20:00 UTC