2011-05-29 16:46:00 UTC
While coming home from my morning putt, I noticed the coolant temp was maxxed out, and the oil light was on. Pulled my helmet off, and found the fan wasn't running. Checked coolant & oil levels, both ok, Fuse for fan ok. Where do I go from here???
2011-05-29 17:01:00 UTC
Sounds like trouble with the thermostat?
2011-05-29 17:25:00 UTC
I stand corrected. Pulled the rad shrouds off, and just for shits & giggles pop the rad cap - BONE DRY!! WTF??? Anyone else here ever have their coolant disappear like this??
2011-05-29 17:59:00 UTC
You may have a prob with your water pump... Quite common on SD's.
2011-05-30 02:10:00 UTC
Never seen any leaks, drips, oil always looks fine, bike runs top notch. I have to admit, I've been a bit slack as far as checking the coolant goes, but damn!!
2011-05-30 08:31:00 UTC
Check your screen filter at the bottom on the right hand side... This will show if there is coolant in the crank case without draining the oil out as long as you keep it on the side stand. But your thermostat switch could be playing up too. But first off, get a new radiator cap
2011-05-30 12:09:00 UTC
oil light = no oil pressure. assuming you do have oil in there, this sounds like water pump - coolant got into the oil and blocked oil filter, so no oil pressure & empty rad...
2011-05-30 13:05:00 UTC
a simple test to see if there are any leaks or blown gaskets etc... run the bike with the radiator cap off and full coolant if there are any bubbles or foaming its a sign of a problem.. if there is nothing id go the new radiator cap
2011-05-30 17:16:00 UTC
Ok. It wasn't the oil light that came on, it was the temp light. As for all the other parameters, they were all good. I must admit, it's probably been a year since I checked the overflow level. Changed the oil about 2 months ago, oil was dirty, but no water , bottom screen was fine, fan switch is ok, cap is ok. I think I just went too long without checking the coolant. Topped off with 50/50 mix ran till hot, no bubbles in rad, put cap on, rode it, no leaks, drips etc. I think I need to check it more often!!
2011-05-30 18:13:00 UTC
If you are losing coolant and then is no obvious leaks then I'd be thinking water pump. Mine was doing that, opened Motobox to find a huge puddle of slop. When it went into the dealers and they dropped the oil they rang me to say they though the pump was fine as the oil looked fine. They then saw the filters and realised there was indeed a problem. As it was the shaft was one of the worst they'd seen.
2011-05-30 23:38:00 UTC
Got it. but I just changed the oil & the filters were fine. No oil in bottom of airbox either. Chalk this one up to me slacking off a bit as far as maintenance is concerned! But brake fluids, tyre pressures, chain slack/lube are all up to snuff!!
2011-05-31 19:54:00 UTC
You might be getting to much air in your cooling system. You might need to burb it. Get your front wheel 2 feet higher than the rear and top up you coolent to get all the coolent in and all the trapped air out.
2011-08-26 01:23:00 UTC
I had the same problem about a month ago with the fans not turning on as well. Opened the cap and noticed fluid was below temp sensor..so I filled it up and fan still did not work, and temp bars went to max with light flashing. Replaced the sensor with a lower temp one and bars rarely go past the halfway mark now, but fan is on often. Feel more comfortable now that it is stable. Changed the coolant as well, and just topped it off after every ride as the air came to the top. No problems since.