Here's my rendition of a quick tail tidy. i used the stock plastic bits for a template and cut out this aluminium piece where needed.
drilled the holes , filed out the radius's where needed ( 2 ) put the amount of bend i wanted and that's about it. My license plate bracket is an after market bit of black metal with sliding bits to mount signals on which i've done ( mini's ), but the license bracket simply bolts up to the tail tidy plate and i've put a rubber strip in between the two for added vibration control.... the gromet is to route the signal and license light wires under the plate so they're not visible and hanging there ...
pretty easy and quick.
Johnny ------------- Oh ! the aluminium piece cost me 5 bucks .
2011-06-24 02:07:00 UTC
2011-06-24 17:58:00 UTC
Hey Johnny, that looks you have any pics with it all mounted up?
cheers Rob
cheers Rob
2011-06-24 19:28:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-24 19:53:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-24 20:59:00 UTC
Think you need to cut the plastic tail of & put your side panels back on
but tidy looks good & a lot cheaper that one from the stealers
but tidy looks good & a lot cheaper that one from the stealers
2011-06-25 03:35:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-25 10:57:00 UTC
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2011-06-25 15:53:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-25 18:08:00 UTC
I've had it off before when I chopped the bill off. Wasn't easy then, but not impossible ...
I have a mini clear LED to go on but will need to remove more from the underseat tray and fab something up to get it to sit just under the seat, same as the SDR with double seat that was in the Gallery.
I have a mini clear LED to go on but will need to remove more from the underseat tray and fab something up to get it to sit just under the seat, same as the SDR with double seat that was in the Gallery.
2011-06-25 19:02:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-26 01:21:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-06-26 05:44:00 UTC
This is before I took off tank panels ....rear mudguard went when I fitted Tail tidy less is more
2011-07-04 16:00:00 UTC
hey john do you alwaysrun no underseat and front farings? any more pics
2011-07-04 16:12:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-10-01 08:33:00 UTC
I think the no underseat farings look works on your duke, cause there are no pillion pegs... it gives it a nice striped down look and will be very cool all black...
I know what you mean about the farings i cut 2 inches of one on a sport bike and my head was getting ripped off at speeds
I know what you mean about the farings i cut 2 inches of one on a sport bike and my head was getting ripped off at speeds