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Rear light removal????WTF



2011-05-02 14:10:00 UTC

I am try to remove the tail light. It looks like there are only two 10 or 11mm bolts holding it in place but I can see now way to get to these. Am I missing something? There is no way I can see to get onto these bolts. Anyone know? Thanks.



2011-05-02 15:26:00 UTC

lmfao they are twats to get out i got a bendy socket thing on mine that did the job



2011-05-02 15:59:00 UTC

it is indeed a proper bitch to get off

Talking of which what happened to the integrated tail/indicator rear lights for standard SDs?



2011-05-02 16:08:00 UTC

Getting the taillight off is annoying (to say the least). After trying al kinds of tools I've eventually sawn a 10mm wrench in half.
Those bendy socket things preey talks about didn't work for me (tried 2 different ones).



2011-05-02 16:52:00 UTC

Ok guys, I know this sounds like a huge pain in the ass to do it this way...But you will probably save yourself all the frustration.

I had a set of Akras to install at the same time as sticking in the new LED tailight. Once the silencer (or slip-ons) are removed, you take out the 6 torx screws holding the plastic housing to the frame/sub frame & the two longish silver bolts holding the duck bill to the sub frame. After these come out, the duck bill & whole tailight assembly can be lowered substantially, making it a breeze to get to the two tailight bolts. Believe me, after reading all the shyte about getting to the tailight bolts, I was not looking forward to replacing it.....but by having to remove the silencer at the same time, made the whole job an absolute breeze. Ok so it's a couple more bolts to undo, but If I ever need to get to my tailight again, I know I'll be popping off the slip-ons....hope this helps guys. I can shoot some pics of the screws question if my directions are not too clear.

Cheers Rob



2011-05-02 18:31:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-02 18:56:00 UTC

Bugger! I was hoping you were going to tell me I was missing something really obvious. Heath Robinson solution here I come! I have a bendy socket wrench and a small 10mm socket. I'll give that a try. What were KTM thinking? Some designer was given the tail light to design at 4:30pm on a Friday!

Thanks all.....



2011-05-02 19:19:00 UTC

Post missing.



2011-05-02 22:03:00 UTC

I just mounted up the clear LED tail light and it was in fact a total pain in my ass! The nuts are a real bitch to get to.

Having said that it was definitely worth the effort. The clear tail light looks the bomb. I to did not use the integrated turn signals as they probably wouldn't work for shit and they are definitely not legal here either. Besides I really like my Rizoma turn signals. Just wanted to update to LED tail/brake light.

Will hopefully be taking some pictures tonight of all the mods I've done recently and will post them up shortly.




2011-05-03 12:38:00 UTC

in the past I used a bendy universal socket adaptor, however the other day when refitting my SD's back end I just used a 1/4" extension bar and a normal 10mm socket. It didn't go fully straight onto the nut but gripped it enough to tighten properly