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Rear Spring swap



2011-04-27 20:23:00 UTC

Hi Guys
I have bought a lighter rear spring for my 07SDR.
Searched the site in vain. can't see a thread on how to swap the spring. FTR said that they need to do it .
Any advice?



2011-04-27 20:48:00 UTC

have you tried the service manual on this site, you can download it


ps what are yo doing with your sdr spring now pm if selling

Twisted Jester

Twisted Jester

2011-04-27 22:12:00 UTC

Contact Mr z34 he has swapped his rear spring over and also has the lighter spring spare



2011-04-28 00:08:00 UTC

You just need to be able to support the bike by something other than the swingarm/wheel so the sring is not under pressure and then remove the rear shock. You can use an abba stand for this, or even axle stands under the pegs might be possible

Once you slacken off the preload you should have enough slack that you can slide out the ring at the bottom of the spring, there's a gap in the ring jus big enough for the shocks damping rod to pass through, and then the spring will slide straight off the shock.

Slide your new one on, stick the ring back in, tighten up the preload to keep the ring in plce then refit to bike and set the preload properly for the appropriate sag.

You might be able to leave the top of the shock attached to the bike while you do all this at the bottom of the shock, but I've not fitted my new spring yet so I don't know for sure,



2011-07-09 09:53:00 UTC

Thats how I normally do it....Tried no needs WP Special tool T101S (See manual for 950sm page 29) to compress spring ... 2005-E.pdf

Has anybody managed to change without this tool?



2011-07-09 10:10:00 UTC

I changed my rear spring last year. All I did was jack the bike up on a car jack then unbolt the hole unit and just popped to a car work shop who used there hydraulic spring compressor and swapped it over for me job done.



2011-07-09 10:15:00 UTC

Thats cheating......But a very good Idea TA



2011-07-09 15:06:00 UTC

Ive changed mine over 3 times now with nothing more than a large screw driver, 10mins and some careful levering



2012-08-23 23:58:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-08-24 05:52:00 UTC

Post missing.



2012-08-24 06:51:00 UTC

Just to add to the forcefull condescending nonsense posted above.

I change my 160/185 and180/185 on both standard and sdr shock like Bash using only a screwdriver.

Use the Allen key in the tool kit to remove the shock and turn it using a spanner on the end to get purchase.