The forum description says this is for things you've done that others may want to copy. My project might not quite fit in that category, BUT don't knock it til you try it!
$8 for taxi driver beads at Wal-Mart that provides enough to outfit at least 3 bikes. I've used these for about 30k miles on my VFR including a coast to coast ride. They feel like air conditioning and actually must be removed in winter because your ass WILL get cold.
Here's how they work- After a couple hours or less in the saddle your ass starts to hurt, become numb, swampy, etc. Happens to all of us especially on hot days. The pain is caused by the outer layer of tissue on your ass is not being perfused with oxygenated blood. Essentially you're strangling your ass. This causes pain which in turn causes fatigue and frequent stops. The numbness comes from your ass falling asleep because of the lack of circulation just like when you sit on the can too long and your leg goes to sleep. Swamp ass is self explanatory. The beads allow enough blood to perfuse through your capillaries (small blood vessels like veins but the other way) and eliminate the pain and numbness. Air also circulates and instead of your ass being forced against a soft piece of plastic covering, a small amount of air circulates and minimizes the sweating.
Easy to make, easy to remove, hard to beat. They won't always be on the beautiful SD, but when I fill up the saddlebags and go somewhere you best believe they won't be left behind. Talk shit if you like, but we'll see at the end of the day who is still riding and who only burned one tank.
2011-08-17 03:39:00 UTC
2011-08-17 08:51:00 UTC
Doesn't it screw up the seat material?
2011-08-17 13:56:00 UTC
Post missing.
2011-08-17 16:09:00 UTC
hmmm...............can you trial them inside your kegs ? see if they still work the same but without the look
2011-08-30 11:50:00 UTC
pic is awesome, wonder if you are an asian taxi driver in California!?
2011-08-30 14:43:00 UTC
I was hoping to test them out on a 5 day 2000 mile adventure tomorrow but the bike won't idle so she's parked. Every KTM needs a Honda back up so I'll be taking the VFR (also bead equipped).